
Expert profile: Dr Sadaoki Furui

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[ ID = 0206 ] Dr Sadaoki Furui 
Name Furui, Dr Sadaoki
Job Title Professor 
Organisation Tokyo Institute of Technology 
Address 2-12-1, Ookayama, Meguro-ku 
Postal Code 152-8552 
City Tokyo 
Country Japan 
Phone +81 3 5734 3480
Fax +81 3 5734 3480
Email furui_(on)_cs.titech.ac.jp [@ replaced for spam protection]
Organisation URL http://www.furui.cs.titech.ac.jp/ 
Personal URL  
Membership ACL ISCA IEEE 
LanguagesEnglish Japanese
Specialism Speechtechnology:
Acoustic Phonetics
Audio and Video Authentication
Audiovisual Speech Processing
Automotive Applications
Computational Linguistics
Computer Assisted Language Learning
Corpora and Dialogue Annotations
Hidden Markov Models
Information Retrieval
Information Services by Telephone using Speech Technologies
Knowledge-based Speech Recognition
Language Learning
Language Modeling
Language Processing
Lexical and Terminological Databases
Machine Learning Algorithms
Mathematical Linguistics
Medical Applications
Multimodal Human-Machine Communication
Pronunciation Modelling
Robust Parsing and Understanding
Robust Speech Recognition
Search Strategies
Signal Processing
Speaker Recognition
Speech Applications
Speech Processing
Speech Reading (Lipreading)
Speech Recognition
Speech Summarization
Speech Synthesis
Speech Technologies
Speech-to-Speech Translation
Spoken Dialogue and Robust Speech Understanding
Spoken Dialogue Systems
Spoken Language Resources and Evaluation
Spontaneous Speech
Statistical Language Modeling and Analysis
Statistical Pattern Recognition
Text Generation
Voice Biometrics (Speaker Verification, Identification,
Lie-detection, etc)
Voice Identification
Voice to Text Conversion for the Hearing Impaired
Web Applications 
PhotographDescription or CV

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