Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: Computer Assisted Learning of French
From: Michael ZOCK <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:40:44 +0100

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

              Computer Assisted Learning of French

            Guest editor: Michael Zock (LIMSI, CNRS)

               (submission deadline: 10 March 98)

The international journal CALL will devote a special issue to the
research on computer assisted language learning of French. The goal
of this special issue is to offer an acurate description of what
has been achieved, both outside and inside France, and I invite you
to submit research contributions representing original, previously
unpublished work.


Papers are invited on any topic related to computer assisted language
learning of French. Though desirable, they do not need to report on
implemented work: new research ideas are of paramount importance in
this guest issue. Topics could include:

(I) The learning of low-level skills such as:

* grammar
* vocabulary
* spelling
* pronunciation

(ii) The learning of higher level skills:

* NL-generation or comprehension
* discourse planning
* composition (making an outline)
* abstract creation, résumés
* Machine-aided translation
* cognitive issues

(iii) Development of computational tools:

* grammar environment
* writer's workbench
* spelling checkers
* coherence checkers
* On-line help to dictionaries
* Natural language interfaces
* Multimodal interfaces
* navigation aids
* hypertext tools


Papers should be written in English (this is the international
language used in this journal) and should not exceed 18 pages (in a
12pt proportional font) including figures and references. They should
also include the author's name, affiliation and address (incl. phone
number, e-mail address), as well as an abstract and key words,
indicating which of the thematic areas best describe the content of
the paper. Electronic submissions in MS-Word, or plain text format
are also welcome (please avoid LaTeX).


Three hard copy submissions should be sent to:

      Michael Zock
      LIMSI - CNRS, BP 133
      F-91403 ORSAY, FRANCE

Submissions must be received no later than 10 March 1998. All
submissions will be thoroughly evaluated by at least two
reviewers. Acceptance will be based on originality, importance,
technical soundness, clarity of exposition and relevance to the
subject of the special issue. Authors will be notified of the
editorial decision by 31 March 1998.


* Deadline for submission:	10 March 1998
* Notification of acceptance:	31 March 1998
* Camera-ready copies:		30 April 1998



Michael ZOCK
Langage & Cognition            Phone:   +(33-1) 69 85 80 24
LIMSI - CNRS                   Fax:     +(33-1) 69 85 80 88
91403 Orsay / FRANCE           E-mail:


Last update: Thu Feb 5 10:50:13 1998 by ELSweb