Subject: 2nd CFP: IJHCS Special Issue
From: Kristiina Jokinen <>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 11:28:03 +0900

Apologies again if you receive this more than once.


			Call for Papers

        The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

	     will publish a special issue on the theme

    Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in Dialogue Systems

This special issue is devoted to theoretical and empirical studies of
cooperation and collaboration in dialogue systems, addressing problems
specific to dialogue management. It is associated with the workshop on
the same theme held at IJCAI-97 in Nagoya but seeks submissions from
all researchers who have been working on the topic, not just the
workshop participants.

Work on autonomous cooperative systems has shown the importance of
collaboration in different domains: besides collaborating with users
to provide requested information and to solve their problems, the
systems should also be able to collaborate with other specialist
intelligent systems (as in multi-agent infrastructures, for
example). Also, research in natural language dialogue has brought new
insights about collaboration: how mutual belief is established in
dialogue (and, consequently, task) fulfillment, as well as how to
cooperate to enable successful communication between the conversants.

The notions of cooperation and collaboration are closely related to
each other, but likely not the same: cooperation is one of the design
principles for dialogue systems, but such systems do not necessarily
collaborate with the user. To what degree is cooperation necessary for
collaboration and how does it appear in dialogue?  Cooperation turns
into benevolence if the agent attempts to fulfill the partner's goals
without questioning their contextual relevance, but this is not
necessarily collaboration. On the other hand, if the agents pursue
their own goals without considering those of their partners or the
joint task, their actions can hardly be described as cooperative or

This special issue concentrates on human-human and human-computer
communication, and on the ways cooperation and collaboration are
manifested in these situations: how the partners jointly construct
dialogue acts, infer non-explicitly expressed intentions, negotiate
appropriate references, generate cooperative answers, co-produce
utterances, give feedback, help each other in task achievement,
etc. Since collaboration and cooperation are also related to conflict
situations, arising from misunderstandings, erroneous perception,
partial knowledge, false beliefs, etc., submissions that examine how
cooperation and collaboration work in solving conflicts, and how the
partners negotiate to reach a mutually acceptable resolution are also

We encourage submissions on different aspects of cooperation and
collaboration, addressing especially one or more of the following
research issues:

- How can we define "collaborative dialogues"? Are all dialogues
  collaborative? How do corpus studies back up the classification?

- What kind of individual commitments are needed for collaboration? 
  How do social settings (roles, acquaintance) affect communication
  and collaboration? How are these commitments and settings
  represented in a dialogue model?

- What is the role of cooperation in collaborative dialogue? Can
  collaborative activity include benevolent or uncooperative 
  behaviour? Does collaboration require sincerity (e.g., can
  cheating be collaborative)?

- How does collaboration contribute to conflict resolution and
  recovery from misunderstandings? How can costs and benefits of
  collaboration be measured?

- How is collaboration and cooperation related to task
  performance? What mechanisms are needed to combine collaborative
  task plans with dialogue contributions?

- How can cooperation/collaboration principles and mechanisms be
  expressed in formal, computational models of communication or
  interaction?  How can these models be implemented?

- Is collaboration the main issue to problems in dialogue
  management? What are the solutions, future research problems?

Both theoretical and more practically oriented papers are welcome, but
we encourage papers that provide real-world examples of collaboration,
cooperation and conflict, and compare multiple ways of addressing the
problems that arise.


Full paper submissions to the special issue should be in the IJHCS
format. Information for the IJHCS authors can be found at:

To help to coordinate the review process, authors who intend to submit
are asked to send a short statement of intention to submit to David
Sadek one month prior the deadline.

The deadline for submissions is March 16. Submissions should
preferably be sent as postscript files by email to:


If this is not possible, send six (6) hardcopies to David Sadek at the

                David Sadek
                France Telecom
                CNET - DIH
                Technopole Anticipa - 2, Avenue Pierre Marzin
                22307 Lannion Cedex - FRANCE

In either case, the authors should also send a separate electronic
title and abstract page (in plain text format) to


The submissions will undergo the usual IJHCS reviewing process taking
into account the requirements of the special issue. Each paper will be
reviewed by 3 reviewers who are members of the scientific board.
Authors of submitted papers will also be asked to act as referees for
other submissions. The reviewers will judge the submissions primarily
along the following dimensions: relevance, significance, originality,
clarity, technical soundness, and overall quality of presentation.


November 1997	Call for papers
February 16	Statement of intent to submit
March 16	Submission deadline
June 15		Notification of acceptance 
August 15	Final papers due


  Kristiina Jokinen
	ATR, Japan
  David Sadek
	France Telecom, CNET, France
  David R. Traum
	University of Maryland, USA


  James Allen, University of Rochester, USA
  Jens Allwood, University of G\"{o}teborg, Sweden
  Michael Baker, University Lyon II, France
  Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Bell Laboratories, USA
  Patrick Healey, ATR, Japan
  Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada
  Masato Ishizaki, NTT, Japan
  Karen Lochbaum, US West, USA
  Susan McRoy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
  David Novick, EURISCO, France
  Candace Sidner, Lotus Development Corporation, USA


Updated information on the special issue as well as the IJCAI workshop
is available at:

General information on IJHCS is available at:

Last update: Tue Feb 10 09:54:21 1998 by ELSweb