Subject: Request for assistance / CAT project
From: Marcin Feder <>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 15:55:59 -0100

Dear Sirs, 
I am a PhD student at the School of English at Adam
Mickiewicz University in Poznañ. My field of interest is Translation
Studies and I intend to take computer assisted translation (CAT) as
the major field of my PhD research. I am, thus, interested in all
kinds of computer tools assisting translator and interpreter in his
work and I would also like to devote some attention to translation
software,machine translation systems and banks of terminology.

I would like, therefore, to ask for your assistance in completing my
project. I would be grateful if you could supply me with information
on the above subject, or, if that is not possible, direct me to
institutions and publications that would be of help to me. I am also
interested whether you publish or possess any comprehensive
bibliographies on the subject and how to obtain them. I am also
interested in the possibilities of obtaining evaluation copies of
translation software or gaining access to machine translation systems.

My regular mailing address is:
Marcin Feder
Os. Zwyciestwa 20/40
61-649 Poznan

I am looking forward to establishing fruitful co-operation with you.

Yours Faithfully

Marcin Feder M. A. (Mr)

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