Subject: Assistive Technologies, Last CFP
From: Carl Vogel <>
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 17:09:56 +0000

       AAAI-98 Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and
                          Assistive Technology
     At the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98)
                   Madison, Wisconsin July 26-30, 1998
          Richard Simpson (Chair), Holly Yanco, Kathleen McCoy,
                              Gerard Lacey

                Submission deadline is 11 March 1998

Researchers in several disciplines within AI have discovered that
assistive technology (AT) offers a fertile domain for challenging
research problems.  Developing assistive technology for individuals
with disabilities requires the construction of robust, practical
systems with different constraints than systems meant to act
autonomously or with able-bodied users.  Areas of AI research that
have influenced AT include robotics, vision, natural language
processing, gesture recognition, intelligent environments, adaptive
interfaces and user modeling.

Questions this workshop will address include:
   What is the "state of the art" in the various areas of
     assistive technology research?
   How can research in different areas of AT
     be integrated into useful products?
   What would clinicians and users like to see in
     future AT research?
   What are the major barriers to moving AT research
     from the laboratory to the marketplace?

Additional topics of interest are listed at

The workshop will be divided between paper presentations by
participants, invited talks, and a panel of clinicians active in AT.
Papers will be selected for presentation based on quality and a desire
for presentations from a variety of AT disciplines.  Invited speakers
will discuss what future developments in AT would be most useful for
clinicians and end users.  Following the invited talks will be a panel
discussion in which the clinicians and workshop attendees will discuss
the challenges involved in moving AT research from the laboratory to
the real world.

Potential participants should submit a paper (5-8 pages) describing
work in progress, completed work, or discussion of one or more of the
questions above (or at the web page).  Other interested researchers
should submit an abstract (up to 2 pages) describing their work (which
may be AI research that has not been applied to the AT domain), their
interest in AT, and any specific questions or issues that they feel
should be addressed in the workshop.

We encourage electronic transmission in ASCII text (preferred),
PostScript, or MS Word format to  Please use
single-column format and 12 point type.

Submission deadline: March 11, 1998
Notification date: April 1, 1998
Camera-ready copies deadline: April 22, 1998
Conference date: July 26-30, 1998

Submissions and inquiries should be sent to:
Rich Simpson
1012 Hercules
Houston, TX 77058
Ph: 281-461-9525
Fax: 281-461-9550

Workshop Committee:

Gerard Lacey
Trinity College Dublin

Kathleen McCoy
University of Delaware

Rich Simpson

Holly Yanco

Last update: Tue Mar 3 15:51:58 1998 by ELSweb