Subject: postdoc research: virtual sound
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 10:08:22 +0000 (GMT)

Post-doctoral Position - School of Biology, University of Leeds

Audio Implementations of Virtual Reality

In collaboration with Prof. Dave Bull, Department of Electronic and
Electrical Engineering, University of Bristol and Dr Deborah
Withington, Department of Physiology, University of Leeds.
Applications are invited for a three year EPSRC funded postdoctoral
position investigating applications of 3-D audio representations in
virtual reality environments. This exciting project will develop and
test the use of virtual sonar in conventional virtual reality
environments as a navigation and sensing aid to the visually impaired.
It will develop ensonification techniques to enable those with visual
impairments access to VR technologies, develop acoustic VR as a
test-bed for real-world sonar guidance systems and extend acoustic
perceptual interfaces in VR designs. Candidates should have a PhD in a
relevant computing or engineering discipline with a good mathematical
or signal processing background and experience of programming in C++.
Candidates should also be good communicators. Experience of Matlab and
WorldToolkit would be an advantage.

Salary will be on the scale for Research Staff Grade 1A within the
range 15,159 - 16,927 stlg

Informal enquiries to Dr Dean Waters (0113) 233 2859 email:

Further details and an application form are available from Dr Dean
Waters, School of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2
9JT. The closing date for applications is the 20th March 1998

Dr Dean Waters
Department of Biology
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

+44(0)113-233 2859

Last update: Fri Mar 6 13:16:22 1998 by ELSweb