
Organisation profile: Eyretel, Ltd.

[ ID = 0035 ] Eyretel, Ltd. 
Organisation nameEyretel, Ltd. 
Short name or acronymEyretel, Ltd. 
Organisation typeCompany 
Activity typeCall centers 
Address Horsham Gates, North Street 
Postal Code RH13 5PJ 
City Horsham, Sussex 
Country United Kingdom 
Phone + +44 1403 214400
Fax + +44 1403 214420
Email sales_(on)_eyretel.com 
Organisation URL http://www.eyretel.com 
Through the use of innovative technology, Eyretel delivers
flexible, reliable, secure multi-media recording and quality
management solutions to capture your business critical communications
within the Call Centre environment. Our user-friendly solutions allow
you to: record specific calls, create databases and archives and carry
out sophisticated analysis. Our flagship offering QualityCall - an
advanced agent evaluation system - supports integrated voice and data
capture to increase the efectiveness of your communication with your
customers, promoting agent efficiency and customer loyalty.
Update this profile Last update: 2002-04-10 12:32:58 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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