
ECI Corpus

European Corpus Initiative Multilingual Corpus I (ECI/MCI)

only € 50.00

The European Corpus Initiative (ECI) was founded to oversee the acquisition and preparation of a large multilingual corpus (ECI/MCI) to be made available in digital form for scientific research at a low cost. The corpus has been available on CD-ROM since 1994, and is being distributed by ELSNET (as well as by ELDA and LDC).


Below you find a sampling of the contents of the CD-ROM. There is also a complete listing of the contents available. Read the READ-ME file on the CD-ROM
  • German newspaper texts from the Frankfurter Rundschau from July 1992 - March 1993. Provided by Universit&aumlt Gesamthochschule, Paderborn, Germany. Approximately 34 million words.
  • French newspaper texts from Le Monde, consisting of material from September 1989, October 1989, and January 1990. Provided by LIMSI CNRS, France. Approximately 4.1 million words
  • Extracts from the Leiden Corpus of Dutch, consisting of newspapers, transcribed speech, etc. Provided by Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Leiden, Holland. Approximately 5.5 million words
  • International Labor Organisation (ILO) "Official Bulletin, B Series". Vols LXVII(1984) - LXXII(1989). Parallel texts in English, French and Spanish. Provided by the International Labor Organisation. Approximately 5 million words.
Some samples from the texts on the CD-ROM can be found here.

License agreements

To order the CD-ROM you need to fill in an order form and a license agreement.
  • Download and print the order form in MS Word or PDF, or order on-line (cf. below). Please note that your order will not be processed until the license agreement has been received.
  • As some of the data are restricted, purchasers of the ECI/MCI CD-ROM will need to sign a license agreement which restricts them to use the data only for research purposes. Download and print out the licence agreement in PDF, complete it by hand, sign it and send it back to ELSNET at the following address: ELSNET, Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    In order to speed up the process you can simultaneously send a copy by fax to ELSNET at +31 30 253 6000. As this fax number is used by some 200 people you have to write "To ELSNET" on the first page or include a cover page.
  • If you have any problems downloading the license form, please contact Steven Krauwer (s.krauwer@uu.nl)

Order this CD-ROM directly from ELSNET


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