
Central and Eastern European Survey

ELSNET is the European Network in Human Language Technologies (http://www.elsnet.org)
This page is http://www.elsnet.org/survey/DeptofArtificialIntelligence1113SofiaBulgaria/index.html
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Dept. of Artificial Intelligence
The involvement in NLP research in the Institute of information Technologies - BAS is tightly connected to the basic research topics at the Artificial Intelligence Department - Knowledge Representation and Logic Programming. It has begun a few years ago with the development of the Net...[more]

Institute of Information Technologies - Bulg. Acad. of Sciences
Dept. of Artificial Intelligence
Acad. Bonchev st. bl. 29A
Sofia 1113
Phone: +359 2 707586
Fax: +359 2 720497
Email: dochev@iinf.acad.bg

Contact Person: Assoc. Prof. Danail Dochev

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