
Central and Eastern European Survey

Natural Language Processing Department
The Natural Language Department of theComputer Science Institute is one of the most important department of the Institute. The research projects developed at the NLP Department involve morphological analysers, parsers and lexicon design. Research projects Knowledge base for the Romanian...[more]

Computer Science Institute, Romanian Academy
Natural Language Processing Department
8, Copou Avenue
Iasi 6600
Phone: 40-32-146534
Fax: 40-32-211
WWW: http://www.infoiasi.ro/~amalia
Email: amalia@thor.infoiasi.ro amaliat@iit.iit.tuiasi.ro

Contact Person: Professor Antonio Zampolli

Additional Info: Amalia Todirascu; Address P.O.Box 1362; Phone + 40-32-140703

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