
Corpus-Based Methods

Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing

only € 15.90

edited by Steve Young and Gerrit Bloothooft

An in-depth introduction to corpus-based methods by excellent authors through chapters describing statistical modeling techniques for language and speech, the use of Hidden Markov Models in continuous speech recognition, the development of dialogue systems, part-of-speech tagging and partial parsing, data-oriented parsing and n-gram language modeling.

The book attempts to give both a clear overview of the main technologies used in language and speech processing, along with sufficient mathematics to understand the underlying principles. The book will give newcomers a solid introduction to the field and it will give existing practitioners a concise review of the principle technologies used in state-of-the-art language and speech processing systems.


  • Hermann Ney (1 - 26) "Corpus-Based Statistical Methods in Speech and Language Processing"
  • Kate Knill & Steve Young (27 - 68) "Hidden Markov Models in Speech and Language Processing"
  • Egidio Giachin and Scott McGlashan (69 - 117) "Spoken Language Dialogue Systems"
  • Steve Abney (118 - 136) "Part-of-Speech Tagging and Partial Parsing"
  • Rens Bod & Remko Scha (137 - 173) "Data-Oriented Language Processing"
  • Hermann Ney, Sven Martin & Frank Wessel (174 - 207) "Statistical Language Modeling Using
  • Bibliography (210 - 234)

ELSNET wishes to give this excellent book (hard cover, 234 pages, Kluwer, ISBN 0-7923-4463-4) a wide distribution and offers it for a special ELSNET price!

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