
Joint COCOSDA-ICCWLRE meeting at LREC2004

Call for Participation

Building the Language Resources and Evaluation Roadmap


Joint COCOSDA and ICCWLRE Meeting in conjunction with LREC 2004 in Lisbon


30 May 2004




The first joint meeting of COCOSDA and of the new International Committee for Written Language Resources and Evaluation (ICCWLRE) aims at bringing together the communities of Spoken and Written LRs to foster integration between them and to build a common vision of the future of HLT.


We think that working together on the preparation of a Technology Roadmap for Language and Speech Technology offers a good opportunity to discuss in rather concrete terms issues related to the future of LRs and Evaluation. In our view such a technology roadmap is a broadly shared vision of our future, which identifies the main technological challenges ahead of us, the prerequisites for addressing them and their potential impact in terms of applications or services they would enable.

We will start from the approach to roadmapping adopted in ELSNET. It involves defining independent milestones (these could be a resource, a technology or an application) to be available in a specific year. Milestones are interlinked in various ways, as they may require or enable other milestones. The ELSNET Roadmaps are available electronically and can thus be easily maintained. On the website http://www.elsnet.org/roadmap.html you can find an account of our approach, and an overview of the activities we have undertaken thus far. For an initial overview of what we have, presented in a graphical format, see http://elsnet.dfki.de, and select “LREC 2004 Resources Roadmap”, where you will find a very preliminary example of a roadmap showing some advanced applications and the basic technologies required for them.

The results we have collected during the various roadmap workshops and sessions we have organized over the last few years are still being integrated, but in parallel we would like to start our process towards consensus building, as it is clear that a roadmap based on the opinions of a small group of people can not be seen as a broadly shared view of a whole community. It is essential that we consult a larger cross-section of our community to an agreement on milestones and their expected year of completion.


As part of the consensus building process we will be consulting a number of  experts on each of the topics of language and speech technology covered by the roadmap in its present form. A Roadmap Task Force will collect the results, integrate them in the roadmap if there is a consensus, and put them on the agenda of the meeting at LREC: some of the milestones will be clustered to be presented together, while cases where there is divergence between the experts' opinions will require individual presentations and discussion at the meeting, hopefully resulting in a consensus view.


We envisage that the co-ordination of the continued maintenance of the language resources roadmap will become the joint responsibility of COCOSDA and ICCWLRE. The organization of similar meetings at future events will be one of their instruments to implement this.


Participation in the meeting is open to everybody and free (there is no registration fee), but registration is mandatory because of space limitations.


The meeting URL is: http://www.elsnet.org/roadmap-lrec2004.html

The LREC 2004 website is http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2004


The meeting is organized by the joint ELSNET/ENABLER/ELRA Roadmap Task Force:


Stephan Busemann (DFKI)

Nicoletta Calzolari (ILC-CNR)

Khalid Choukri (ELDA)

Steven Krauwer (ELSNET)


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