
Central and Eastern European Survey

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General Info

Department of Phonoscopic Examination
Lithuanian Institute of Forensic Examination

Type of Organisation: public
Number of Employees: Less than 10
Activities developed: Research, Education, Services, Software.

For speaker identification we use algorithms that were developed by our Department. There are algorithms for computation of pitch and relative distances, using pseudostationary segments and some linguistic features of Lithuanian language. 7 experts work at our Department that are capable to use the developed methods. A research work for improvement of speaker identification methods and development new algorithms is being done, using neural networks theory. We use C programming language, Windows and DOS operating systems. At our department three working sites are arranged for phonoscopic examination. These consist of: - three IBM PC (two IBM486, one IBM586) with 16-bit converters A/D and D/A; - software for digital processing and graphical representation of speech signals; - software for measurement of acoustic parameters of speaker and for evaluation of their statistical distributions; - software for determination of an authentity of speech records

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