
Central and Eastern European Survey

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General Info

Man- Machine Communication Group
Institute of Computer Science

Type of Organisation: public
Number of Employees: Less than 10
Activities developed: Research.

The Natural Language processing is one of the various research fields covered by the Institute of Computer Science (only 4 from about 60 researchers working on the subject). The Man-Machine Communication Group consists of people with computational or mathematical background. For several years we were interested in many subjects from the area of computational linguistics: lexicons, syntax, semantics and language generation. Currently our investigations are concentrated on the formal description of Polish syntax within the theoretical framework of HPSG. We try to describe selected linguistic problems using HPSG and to implement a HPSG grammar for a reasonable fragment of Polish. Our research is partially supported by a national grant titled "Applying linguistic engineering methods to the analysis and synthesis of Polish texts". Our computational environment consists of Sun working under Solaris 2.3 with Sicstus Prolog available. The preliminary implementational work was done using DATR and ALE.

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