
Search ELSNET-list

ELSNET's mailing list and searchable archive

ELSNET-list is an electronic mailing list, elsnet-list@elsnet.org It can be used to announce events or activities, to post job openings, to discuss issues or to request information relevant to the natural language and speech processing communities at large. The list is moderated. Email sent to the list is relayed to all ELSNET members, and to other list subscribers. The list is a Mailman list at Utrecht University. Subscription is open to everybody. All messages are kept in a searchable archive.

  • Messages are to be sent directly to the list: elsnet-list@elsnet.org.
  • The list is moderated, and messages will normally be checked within one or two working days after their arrival.
  • Messages are either rejected (if inappropriate) or forwarded as they are, so we suggest not to include any personal requests or messages to us.
  • Subject lines and messages should be in English, but you may add a translation in another language at the end.
  • Messages should NOT contain any attachments. Normally messages with attachments are automatically discarded.
  • Messages should NOT be written in HTML as they would normally be discarded as spam.
  • If we receive multiple copies of the same message your messages will be discarded and the sender will be blacklisted, so we recommend you to clean up your mailing lists before sending out messages.
  • Messages should be submitted in the form of emails in plain ASCII text, properly formatted, with no more than 80 characters per line. Texts with longer lines are automatically formatted and will normally look very silly once they are included in the searchable archive.
  • Messages will normally be added to the archive in the week after they have been sent out, so you will not see them here immediately.

Search the ELSNET-List Archive!

You can search through the entire ELSNET-List Archive. Just type in keywords separated by spaces. The system is case-insensitive.
It is also possible to use standard boolean connectives `and', `or' and `andnot'. Search strings may be arbitrarily complex, for instance:

(natural and (language or speech)) andnot formal

You can also filter the ELSNET-List archive by category. The entire archive (filtered by category) will be shown if you don't enter any keywords.

Order on: Relevance
Date posted
Show only messages of category:
[E-CFP]: Calls for papers
[E-Conf]: Announcements of conferences, workshops and other events
[E-SSchool]: Announcements of summer schools, courses, etc.
[E-Announce]: Announcements
[E-Material]: Books, reports, language resources, software
[E-Discussion]: Discussion
[E-InfoReq]: Information requests
[E-Job]: Jobs available


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