
MT Roadmap Workshop at TMI2002

MT Roadmap Workshop (March 16)

at TMI2002 (March 13-17)

Keihanna (near Kyoto), Japan

Organized by ELSNET


Since 2000, ELSNET (The European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies) has organised a series of workshops aimed at the creation of a broadly supported technological roadmap for various subfields of language and speech technology. A technology roadmap comprises an analysis of the present situation, a vision of where we want to be in e.g. ten years from now, and a number of intermediate milestones that would help in setting intermediate goals and in measuring our progress towards our goals. The function of the road map is not to impose anything on anyone, but rather to provide a broadly supported definition of a context in which to position the MT community's efforts, which would allow us to identify common priorities for joint activities in e.g. research, resources and training. ELSNET aims at (co-)organizing roadmap workshops at all major events in order to encourage continuous reflection on where we stand, where we want to go, and, most importantly, how we can get there.

Provisional Program:

09:30 Introduction Steven Krauwer (ELSNET, Utrecht Univ, NL) 0:15
09:45 Invited talk: Toward the Realization of Typological Semantic Pattern Dictionaries for MT Satoru Ikehara (Tottori University, JP) 0:45
10:30 BREAK   0:30
11:00 Toward a Science of Machine Translation Francis Bond (NTT, JP) 0:30
11:30 Using multilingual content on the web to build fast finite-state direct translation systems Mikel Forcada (Univ. d'Alacant, ES) 0:30
12:00 Machine Translation in the Mobile and Wearable Age Nigel Ward (Univ. of Tokyo, JP) 0:30
12:30 LUNCH   1:30
14:00 Where do we stand? MT Summit and TMI Report Steven Krauwer 0:30
14:30 Discussion   1:00
15:30 BREAK   0:30
16:00 Invited session: What are we celebrating today? Harold Somers (UMIST, UK) 0:30
16:30 Discussion   1:00
17:30 Conclusions Steven Krauwer 0:30
18:00 CLOSING    


We have made a summary report, and the results of the discussions will be integrated in a report that will be published on ELSNET's website, and that will serve as a starting point of a broad consultation of langauge and speech technology community community at large on the future directions of the field.


The primary audience consists of people with an analytical or future oriented, programmatic interest, both from research and from industry.


Main conference: http://www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/events/tmi/
This workshop: http://www.elsnet.org/roadmap-tmi2002.html

Contact point:

Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer@elsnet.org)
ELSNET / Utrecht University
Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, NL
phone +31 30 253 6050
fax +31 30 253 6000

Programme Committee:

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