
Central and Eastern European Survey

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Department of General Linguistics Vilnius University Publications

Department of General Linguistics

Most significant publications in the last 5 years by K.Donelaitis>]. - Darbai apie Kristijonà Donelaitá.
- Vilnius: Vaga, 1993, pp. 60-96 (in Lithuanian).
Karosienë, Vida, & Girdenis, Aleksas. Bendrinës kalbos fonemø
daþnumai [The Frequency of Phonemes in Standard Lithuanian]. -
Kalbotyra, 1993, vol. 42 (1), pp. 28-38 (in Lithuanian; Summary in German).
Girdenis, Aleksas, & Þidonytë, Gertrûda. Ðiaurës
panevëþiðkiø (Rozalimo ðnektos) balsiø
sistema [The System of Vowels in the Northern Panevëþys-Dialect].
- Baltistica, 1994, vol. 29 (2), pp. 111-154 (in Lithuanian; Summary in German).
Girdenis, Aleksas, & Karosienë, Vida. Häufigkeit der Phoneme und
die phonologische Wertung der litauischen Diphthonge. - Baltistica, 1995,
vol. 30 (1), pp. 67-78 (in German; Summary in Lithuanian).
Kliukienë, Regina. Ðiaurës þemaièiø
intervokaliniø priebalsiø trukmë [The Length of the
Intervocalic Consonants in the Northern-Þemaitian Dialect]. -
Kalbotyra, 1995, vol. 44 (1), pp. 58-68 (in Lithuanian; Summary in English).
Maþiulienë, Irena Ieva. Centrinës ðiaurës
þemaièiø tarmës prozodija sociolingvistiniu
aspektu [The Prosody of the Central Northern Þemaitian Dialect from
the Standpoint of Sociolinguistics]. - Baltistica, 1995, vol. 30 (1), pp.
79-91 (in Lithuanian; Summary in English). Maþiulienë, Irena
[Ieva]. Ðiaurës þemaièiø Sedos ðnektos
balsiø psichoakustinë klasifikacija [The Psychoakustic
Classification of the Vowels of the Dialect of Seda]. - Kalbotyra, 1995,
vol. 44 (1), pp. 73-77 (in Lithuanian; Summary in English).
Murinienë, Lina. Balsiø asimiliacijos ypatumai Akmenës
ðnektoje [The Pecularities of Vowel Assimilation in the Dialect of
Akmenë]. - Kalbotyra, 1995, vol. 44 (1), pp. 78-88 (in Lithuanian;
Summary in English).
Girdenis, Aleksas. Phoneme und Silbenakzente der Südostþemaitischen
Mundart zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts: (Auf Grund der Schreibung und
Orthographie von Simonas Stanevièius). - Baltistica, 1995, vol. 30
(2), pp. 29-41 (in German; Summary in Lithuanian).
Girdenis, Aleksas. Energetinë ðiaurës þemaièiø
tarmës priegaidþiø fonetinës prigimties
interpretacija [Energetic Interpretation of Phonetic Nature of Tonemes in
North-Þemaitian Dialect]. - Baltistica, 1996, vol. 31 (1), pp. 71-84 (
in Lithuanian; Summary in English).
Jasiûnaitë, Birutë, & Girdenis, Aleksas. Trys rytø
aukðtaièiø uteniðkiø fonologiniai balsiø
ilgumai [Three Phonological Degrees of the Quantity of Vowels in the
EastðAukðtaitian UtenaðDialect]. - Baltistica, 1996, vol. 31
(2), pp. 181-199 (in Lithuanian).

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