
Previous ELSNET Summer Schools


ELSNET has organized the Summer School on Language and Speech Communication since 1993. Information of previous summer schools is still available.
The 12th ELSNET Summer School on Language and Speech Communication
The 2006 Summer School is dedicated to Information Fusion in Natural Language Systems. It will take place in Hamburg, Germany, from 03 - 14 July 2006. Organizer is the University of Hamburg.
Website: http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/view/Main/ELSNET06
The 11th ELSNET Summer School on Language and Speech Communication
The 2003 Summer School was dedicated to Language and Speech Technology for Language Learning. It took place in Lille, France from 7 - 18 July 2003. Organizer was the University of Lille-3.
Website: http://www.elsnet.org/ess2003
The 10th ELSNET Summer School on Language and Speech Communication in 2002
This summer school was dedicated to Evaluation and Assessment of Text and Speech Systems. It took place in Odense, Denmark, from 15 - 26 July 2002. Organizer was the natural Interactive Systems Laboratory (NISLab) of the University of Southern Denmark. More information on http://summerschool2002.nis.sdu.dk/
Videotaped lectures of this school can be seen at http://media.nis.sdu.dk/elsnet/ (use IE)
9th ELSNET European Summer School 2001
This summer school was dedicated to Text and Speech Corpora. It took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 16-27 July 2001. Organizer was The Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics of Charles University. The website is http://ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~ess2001/
8th ELSNET European Summer School 2000
This Summer School was focused on Text and Speech Triggered Information Access. The Summer School took place on Chios Island, Greece from 15-30 July 2000. The Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) in Athens organized the school. The website is: http://www.ilsp.gr/testia/testia2000.html
The course material of this school will be published as a book
7th ELSNET Summer School 1999
The central theme of ELSNET's 7th European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication was Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems (MiLaSS). The Department of Speech Music and Hearing and the Centre for Speech Technology at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) in Stockholm have hosted the Summer School.
The website is: http://www.speech.kth.se/milass/
The course material of this school will be published as a book
6th ELSNET Summer School 1998
The 6th Summer school was hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and had as subject Robustness: Real life applications in Language and Speech.
The course material of this school has been published by Kluwer as a book.
5th ELSNET Summer School 1997
Lexicon development for language and speech processing was the title of the summer school hosted by the Centre for Computational Linguistics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.
The website is: http://www.ccl.kuleuven.ac.be/ess97/ess97.html
Lecture notes were the basis for the book Lexicon Development for Speech and Language Processing, published by Kluwer.
4th ELSNET Summer School 1996
The 1996 summer school was organized by the Technical University of  Budapest with the subject of Dialogue Systems in language and Speech Processing. There has been a growing interest in the theoretical and practical issues associated with the design and use of computer systems which are able to participate in spoken or written language dialogues.
3rd ELSNET Summer School 1995
Edinburgh University organized a Summer School on the topic of Multilinguality in Speech and Language Processing. In Europe, multilingualism is a recurrent theme in every aspect of speech and language research. Speech and language processing technologies, often developed on the basis of English, may prove to need extension or modification when moved to languages whose characteristics may differ. Spoken or written language translation combines many aspects of component technologies and defines its own research area of translation metholodologies. Computer-aided language learning and assessment likewise is an area where many interests meet. Multilingual resources - grammars, language and speech corpora, lexicons and termbanks - are needed for all of these applications.
2nd ELSNET Summer School 1994
Corpus-based Methods in Language and Speech Processing was the title organized by the Linguistics department of Utrecht University.  A collection of contributions from lecturers was published in the book Corpus-based Methods in Language and Speech Processing.
1st ELSNET Summer School 1993
The very first European Summer School was organized by the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics at University College London. ELSNET and the Socrates ICP "Phonetics and Speech Communication" were supporting. The topic was Prosody.


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