List of pointers to Arabic and
other Semitic NLP and Speech sites
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| Arabic newspapers on-line (1) | Arabic software (5) | Arabic Speech Recognition (1) | Conference (1) | Dictionaries (7) | Email lists and newsgroups (7) | Language resources (23) | Learning (2) | MT (2) | Other Resource Lists (5) | Projects (6) | Researchers (2) | Speech recognition (2) | Translation (6) | Workshops (3) | Total 73 items in 15 categories |
World Newspapers Online - Middle East
- Description: pointers to on-line newpapers in the Middle east
- Comment: not just Arabic
- Submitted: 06-08-2011 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabic Teacher Software
- Description: Comprehensive Multimedia Arabic language tutoring software for all levels
- Comment: Ages 7 to 77
- Submitted: 13-11-2008 by:
Muhammad Al-Akili
Arabic Textware Solutions
- Description: Arabic Language Core Technology Provider
- Comment: Arabic Technology Company
- Submitted: 13-11-2008 by:
Mamoun Hattab
- Description: Natural Language Processing for Arabic
- Comment: Arabic Software Solutions
- Submitted: 13-11-2008 by:
George N. Hallak
NovoDynamics VERUS Arabic OCR
- Description: High-performance Arabic Optical Character Recogntion (OCR). Also supports Farsi OCR Urdu OCR Pashto OCR and Dari OCR
- Comment:
- Submitted: 13-11-2008 by:
Richard Hagerman
Speech Center, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
- Description: programs, papers and reports
- Comment: Research Center
- Submitted: 13-11-2008 by:
Mansour Alghamdi
Arabic Speech Recognition
- Description: Arabisc is speaker independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer for Arabic language released under GNU lice
- Comment:
- Submitted: 22-05-2007 by:
Hussein Hiyassat
NEMLAR Arabic Language Resources and Tools Conference
- Description: 22, 23 September 2004 in Cairo, Egypt
- Comment: Early bird registration: 15th July 2004
- Submitted: 13-07-2004 by:
Mahtab Nikkhou
Afro-Asiatic Languages
- Description: Pointers to dictionaries of Semitic languages
- Comment:
- Submitted: 08-01-2002 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabic English Dictionary
- Description: TCC offers the widest range of Arabic to English SPEAKING Electronic dictionaries.
- Comment: Talking !!
- Submitted: 30-05-2006 by:
Muhibbul Haque
Arabic Software Solutions
- Description: Arabic Translation Resources
- Comment: Arabic Translation Solutions
- Submitted: 23-11-2002 by:
George N. Hallak
Arabic Translation Services
- Description: Directory of professional Arabic translation agencies in Germany
- Comment: Arabic translation agencies
- Submitted: 04-09-2013 by:
Arabic-Dutch and Dutch-Arabic dictionary
- Description: description of the process of compiling an MSA dictionary
- Comment: through the use of a corpus
- Submitted: 01-07-2004 by:
Jan Hoogland
Maltese dictionaries
- Description: Pointers to Maltese dictionaries
- Comment:
- Submitted: 08-01-2002 by:
Steven Krauwer
Translations Service Directory
- Description: B2B-Services for professional Englisch, Arabic, German, French, etc. translations
- Comment: Business-Translations
- Submitted: 27-02-2013 by:
J. Heiter
- Description: Email list on Arabic language and linguistics
- Comment:
- Submitted: 10-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabic CALL
- Description: Teaching Arabic with the Computer and Internet
- Comment: This sites has more than 30 Arabic language sites. I do hope many learner may gain from it
- Submitted: 19-08-2004 by:
Ibrahim Suliman Ahmed
Arabic Phonetics
- Description: Arabic sounds and their applications
- Comment: Excange ideas
- Submitted: 30-03-2004 by:
Mansour Alghamdi
Corpora List Archive
- Description: Find all Corpora List messages referring to Arabic
- Comment:
- Submitted: 21-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
- Description: ELSNET's NLP and Speech List dedicated to Arabic and other Semitic languages
- Comment: Not just Arabic!
- Submitted: 05-04-2002 by:
Steven Krauwer
Newsgroups dedicated to Arabic language and culture
- Description:
- Comment: Google group search results
- Submitted: 24-10-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
The ARABIC-INFO mailing list
- Description: Mailing list for the Arab studies community
- Comment:
- Submitted: 05-02-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabian-English, English-Arabian Translation by New Lingo
- Description: High quality translation services at excellent prices. Website translation and localization services with operations in
- Comment:
- Submitted: 15-08-2006 by:
Diana Stan
Arabic Language Breakthrough
- Description: Many ideas and inventions about arabic language
- Comment: Revolutionary
- Submitted: 24-08-2002 by:
Abdelmalek Bouhadjera
Arabic Language Directory
- Description: Provides comprehensive information on Arabic language related websites around the world.
- Comment: Arabic Language Resource
- Submitted: 07-11-2009 by:
Arabic Language Home
- Description: Arabic language schools, vocabulary, products and more
- Comment: e.g. Hot product!
- Submitted: 20-03-2006 by:
Arabic Language Learning
- Description: Arabic Tutors Resources
- Comment: Language Learning Resources
- Submitted: 23-11-2002 by:
George N. Hallak
Arabic Language Resources available from ELRA/ELDA
- Description:
- Comment:
- Submitted: 07-12-2003 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabic Newswire Part 1Corpus
- Description: Newswire texts
- Comment: available from LDC
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabic Online
- Description: Free resource of Arabic grammar
- Comment:
- Submitted: 26-12-2007 by:
Arabic Software Solutions
- Description: Arabic OCR
- Comment: Sakhr for Arabic software solutions
- Submitted: 23-11-2002 by:
George N. Hallak
Arabic Software Solutions
- Description: Machine Translation
- Comment: Arabic Translation Solutions
- Submitted: 23-11-2002 by:
George N. Hallak
Arabic Translation for Voice Over and Audio Production
- Description: Find arabic voice talents and translators for your help
- Comment: Try the Mixwerk Babelfish and guess their languages
- Submitted: 17-02-2012 by:
Uwe Engel
Arabic Translation Service
- Description: Professional translation by expert Arabic translators into more than 50 languages
- Comment: Translating for businesses and individuals worldwide
- Submitted: 04-02-2010 by:
Jim Morgan
Arabic Translation Services
- Description: Lingo24 has an established track record in providing high quality translations from English into Arabic and vice versa
- Comment:
- Submitted: 09-03-2006 by:
Adriana Margineanu
ArEg - Free Arabic and Egyptian Language Lessons
- Description:
- Comment:
- Submitted: 28-08-2006 by:
Mohamed Abdel Maksoud
CALLFRIEND Egyptian Arabic
- Description: Telephone speech
- Comment: available from LDC
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
CALLHOME Egyptian Arabic Lexicon
- Description: Pronunciation lexicon
- Comment: available from LDC
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
CALLHOME Egyptian Arabic Speech
- Description: Telephone speech
- Comment: available from LDC
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
CALLHOME Egyptian Arabic Transcripts
- Description: Conversation texts
- Comment: available from LDC
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Coltec: company working in Arabic computationallinguistics
- Description: Arabic computational linguistics
- Comment: Variety of products
- Submitted: 16-03-2002 by:
Egyptian Colloquial Arabic Lexicon
- Description: Pronunciation lexicon
- Comment: available from LDC
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Industry Arabic - Technical and Legal Arabic Translation Services
- Description: With offices in Washington DC, Cairo, and Qatar, Industry Arabic services the translation needs of companies and NGOs
- Comment: free quotes available on the website
- Submitted: 27-04-2012 by:
Will Ward
Lingo 24 Parasaurus Rex
- Description: Arabic language paraphrasing tool.
- Comment: New product!
- Submitted: 12-06-2006 by:
Adriana Margineanu
- Description: Data collections for ASR across the Arabic-speaking world plus Cyprus, Israel and Turkey
- Comment: Start summer 2001
- Submitted: 17-05-2001 by:
Rainer Siemund
Arabic Language Learning Resources
- Description: A collection of on-line language learning resources
- Comment:
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Maltese grammars
- Description: Pointers to Maltese grammars and other learning material
- Comment:
- Submitted: 11-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
AppTek's TranSphere
- Description: MT system for more than 16 languages
- Comment: Hybrid MT system, using rule-based and statistical features.
- Submitted: 07-12-2006 by:
Hassan Sawaf
MT for Africa
- Description: Computer translators & African languages
- Comment:
- Submitted: 02-02-2004 by:
Don Osborn
- Description: Portal to the Arab world, with on-line translation and dictionaries
- Comment: May not work with Netscape
- Submitted: 19-12-2000 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arab Information Project
- Description: Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences on Communication and Information Technology in the Arab World
- Comment:
- Submitted: 24-10-2000 by:
Steven Krauwer
Arabic Information Retrieval Resources
- Description: A set of links to groups working on Arabic IR and Arabic NLP techniques that might be useful for IR
- Comment: Some links to working systems are also included.
- Submitted: 10-05-2001 by:
Douglas W. Oard
- Description: Web directory of the Arabic world
- Comment: Accessible in Arabic, English and French
- Submitted: 29-06-2001 by:
Malek Boualem
IBM Arabic ViaVoice
- Description: Arabic Continuous Speech Recognition System
- Comment: The World's First and ONLY commercially available Arabic Diactation System
- Submitted: 20-05-2001 by:
Ossama Emam
Arab Information Project
- Description: Studying the Information Revolution in the Arab World
- Comment:
- Submitted: 24-10-2000 by:
Steven Krauwer
- Description: Dictionnaire Informatisé de lArabe, Multilingue et Basé sur Corpus
- Comment:
- Submitted: 19-12-2000 by:
Steven Krauwer
- Description: Tools and resources for Maltese
- Comment:
- Submitted: 18-06-2001 by:
Mike Rosner
- Description: Natural Arabic Processing for Language Understanding Systems
- Comment:
- Submitted: 23-10-2000 by:
Steven Krauwer
- Description: European Network for Arabic Language Resources
- Comment: Just started
- Submitted: 16-06-2003 by:
Steven Krauwer
- Description: ASR across the Arabic-speaking world plus Cyprus, Israel and Turkey
- Comment: Start summer 2001
- Submitted: 17-05-2001 by:
Rainer Siemund
Arabic Natural language processing
- Description: Khaled Shaalan's web site on Arabic NLP
- Comment: Publications
- Submitted: 16-11-2009 by:
Khaled Shaalan
Mansour Alghamdi
- Description: Research on Arabic Phonetics
- Comment: Programs, Papers, Reports, Databases
- Submitted: 30-03-2004 by:
Mansour Alghamdi
Arabic Software Solutions
- Description: Arabic Natural Language Processing
- Comment: Sakhr for Arabic software solutions
- Submitted: 23-11-2002 by:
George N. Hallak
IBM Arabic ViaVoice
- Description: Arabic continous dictation system
- Comment: Very powerfull
- Submitted: 09-10-2002 by:
khaled gamal
Allesprachen.at-ISO 9001 GmbH, Translation service
- Description: Allesprachen offers translation services in several languages, including Arabic. The office is based in Graz, Autria.
- Comment: More than 20 years experience in translation
- Submitted: 07-12-2015 by:
Alexander Rus
Arabic Translation Agency
- Description: Professional translations from Arabic into Englisch, German and Italian
- Comment: Business-Translations
- Submitted: 11-05-2012 by:
Arabic translation services by Inbox Translation
- Description: Inbox Translation is a professional translation agency that offers Arabic translation services.
- Comment:
- Submitted: 14-01-2014 by:
German translation bureau
- Description: high-quality translations (arabic, english, german)
- Comment:
- Submitted: 18-01-2014 by:
Mehmed Gül
Translate Trade - Translation agency in Munich/Germany
- Description: Translate Trade is the perfect partner for international companies.
- Comment: Translations in several languages including arabic.
- Submitted: 29-09-2015 by:
Gerald Bacher
TypeTime - Arabic Translation Service
- Description: High quality and professional Arabic translations
- Comment: Arabic translations
- Submitted: 15-07-2013 by:
Peter Schmidt
ARABIC Language Processing: Status and Prospects
- Description: Workshop in conjuction with ACL/EACL-2001 in Toulouse, 6 July 2001
- Comment:
- Submitted: 10-05-2001 by:
Steven Krauwer
Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages
- Description: A workshop affiliated with ACL-2002
- Comment:
- Submitted: 23-01-2002 by:
Mike Rosner
Text Retrieval Conference Arabic/English Information Retrieval Evaluation
- Description: A blind evaluation of retrieval effectiveness on a large collection of Arabic news
- Comment: Conference attendance requires participation in the evaluation
- Submitted: 10-05-2001 by:
Douglas W. Oard
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