
Contact Info / Disclaimer

Our home base:

ELSNET is hosted by the Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS (UiL OTS) of the Faculty of Humanities of Utrecht University


ELSNET WWW: http://www.elsnet.org
Visiting address: Drift 10 Map: Google
Mail and courier address: Trans 10 Phone: +31 30 253 6050
3512 BS Utrecht
The Netherlands Email: elsnet@utrecht.elsnet.org


Steven Krauwer
ELSNET Co-ordinator
Phone: +31 30 253 6050
Email: elsnet@utrecht.elsnet.org
WWW: http://utrecht.elsnet.org


ELSNET, Utrecht University and the other members of the ELSNET consortium
are not responsible for

  • personal or political views expressed by any of its officials
  • views and opinions expressed by any of its member organizations
  • the content of web sites referred to by the ELSNET website
  • copies of or references to existing or deleted pages on our site published by third parties

Although we take great care to avoid publishing links to sites that might
contain offensive or inappropriate material, we would be most grateful if
you would notify us in case you encounter such references on our site.



[print/pda] [no frame] [navigation table] [navigation frame]     Page generated 01-03-2016 by Steven Krauwer Disclaimer / Contact ELSNET