
Expert profile: Dr. Paul Buitelaar

[ ID = 1441 ] Dr. Paul Buitelaar 
Name Buitelaar, Dr. Paul
Job Title Senior Researcher 
Organisation DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Department 
Address Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 / Building 43.1 
Postal Code D-66123 
City Saarbrücken 
Country Germany 
Phone + +49 681 302 5325
Fax + +49 681 302 5338
Email paulb_(on)_dfki.de [@ replaced for spam protection]
Organisation URL http://www.dfki.de/ 
Personal URL http://www.dfki.de/~paulb 
Membership ELSNET ACL  
LanguagesEnglish Nederlands, Deutsch
Specialism Ambiguity
Annotation and Exploitation Tools
Information Retrieval
Knowledge Management
Lexical Acquisition
Lexical and Terminological Databases
Lexical Semantics
Machine Learning
Medical Applications
Metadata Descriptions
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Semantics
Robust Semantic Processing
Search Engines
Semantic Interpretation
Word meaning
PhotographDescription or CV

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