Directory of organisations (by country)
| Argentina (5) | Australia (42) | Austria (11) | Belarus (3) | Belgium (60) | Bosnia and Herzegovina (1) | Brazil (4) | Bulgaria (5) | Canada (141) | China (10) | Croatia (2) | Czech Republic (9) | Denmark (13) | Egypt (3) | Estonia (3) | Finland (16) | France (77) | Georgia (1) | Germany (99) | Greece (4) | Honduras (1) | Hong Kong (9) | Hungary (5) | Iceland (1) | India (66) | Iran (2) | Ireland (8) | Israel (36) | Italy (14) | Japan (13) | Korea (South) (5) | Latvia (2) | Lithuania (2) | Malaysia (1) | Malta (1) | Mauritius (2) | Mexico (2) | Monaco (1) | Netherlands (176) | New Zealand (Aotearoa) (6) | Norway (8) | Pakistan (4) | Peru (1) | Philippines (15) | Poland (2) | Portugal (7) | Romania (23) | Russian Federation (9) | Singapore (18) | Slovakia (1) | Slovenia (4) | South Africa (7) | Spain (21) | Sweden (22) | Switzerland (16) | Taiwan (5) | Thailand (3) | Turkey (7) | Ukraine (4) | United Arab Emirates (2) | United Kingdom (253) | United States (1530) | Total 2824 items in 62 categories |
- Agritranslate Buenos Aires
- Armagalli Bs.As
- ATS Advanced Technology Solutions S.A. Buenos Aires
- Call 360° S.A Capital Federal
- Help Desk Institute - Argentina Buenos Aires
- ACA Research PLY., Inc. North Sydney, NSW
- ADC Software Systems Division - Singularite Brisbane Qld
- Addcom Pty Ltd Castle Hill, NSW
- Apitel Online Solutions Cairns
- Aries Australia Pty Ltd East Perth
- Asia Pacific Call Centre News Victoria
- Auscript Australasia Pty Limited Brisbane, QLD
- Australasian Call Centres Southport Queensland
- Australian Communications Authority Belconnen
- Australian Speech Science and Technology Association (ASSTA) Canberra, ACT
- Baltech Pty Ltd Ballarat
- Call Processing Systems Pty Ltd Kew East, VIC
- CCMA (au) Cherrybrook, NSW
- CCMA Asia Pacific
- Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems (CIIPS),
The University of Western Australia Nedlands, Perth, WA
- Cincom Systems of Australia Chatswood, NSW
- Cochlear Lane Cove, NSW
- Computer Sciences Laboratory, Australian National University Canberra, ACT
- Connect Interactive Ultimo NSW
- CTEL Technologies Pty Ltd Kent Town Adelaide SA
- DFP Recruitment Services Pty Ltd Melbourne VIC
- Digital Sonata Pty Ltd Camberwell
- Digital Techniques (Asia) Kellyville NSW
- EDS Australia North Sydney NSW
- Ericsson Australia Pty Ltd Melbourne Central Tower VIC
- Erlang Software Bicton, Western Australia
- Eyretel Australia Pty Ltd Sydney NSW
- Eyretel Australia, Pty. Ltd. Sydney, NSW
- Goldmine Software Corporation St Leonards NSW
- Hallis Sydney NSW
- Hansen Corporation Doncaster, Victoria
- Help Desk Institute - Australia Parramatta
- Orion Market Intelligence Melbourne, Victoria
- Resource International Pty Ltd. Ashgrove, Queensland
- sayso! North Sydney, NSW
- Sitel Australia Darlinghurst, NSW
- Slinky Interactive Media Perth
- Speech Hearing and Language Research Centre North Ryde, NSW
- Sydney Language Technology Research Group Sydney, NSW
- ToggleText Pty Ltd Sandringham
- Trade Centre Products Sydney, NSW
- VoiceNet, Pty. Ltd. Manly, NSW
- Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence Vienna
- DSP Research Group, Vienna University of Technology Vienna
- F&B EDV Handelsg.m.b.H Wien
- Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (ftw) Wien
- Institute of Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering Wien
- Natural Language Processing Group, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ÖFAI) Vienna
- Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Artificial Intelligence Wien
- Philips Speech Processing Vienna
- SAIL LABS Technology AG Vienna
- Graz University of Technology Graz
- Telekom-Control Vienna
- EffectiveSoft Ltd. Minsk
- Institute of Engineering Cybernetics (IEC) Minsk
- Speech Technology Minsk
- AP Trans n.v. - Fasttel Nazareth
- Applied Linguistics and Business Communication - Universiteit
Antwerpen Antwerpen
- Artificial Intelligence-lab (ARTI) - Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels
- BaBel Technologies, SA MONS
- Belgacom Brussel
- Belgian Direct Marketing Association (BDMV - ABMD) Brussel
- CallMetrics Gent
- Center for natural language processing Louvain-la-Neuve
- Center for Processing Speech and Images (PSI) Heverlee
- Centre for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven
- Centrum voor Nederlandse Taal en Spraak Wilrijk
- Cochlear Technology Centre Europe Edegem
- Computational Linguistics in Flanders Heverlee
- Conectys BVBA Gent
- Crossminder BVBA Halle
- De Wilde CBT n.v. Merelbeke
- Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence (DTAI) -
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Heverlee
- Department of Electronics & Information Processing - V.U.Brussel Brussel
- Dialogic Telecom Europe St. Stevens Woluwe
- ELIS Speech Lab Gent
- Eonic Systems, NV Aarschot
- Federation of European Direct Marketing (FEDMA) Brussels
- FilePool n.v. Sint-Katelijne-Waver
- FORUM 187 Brussels
- Global One (BE) Brussels
- GOOZE Waregem
- Hogadata Benelux n.v. Antwerpen
- HOGADATA Antwerpen
- IMEC vzw Leuven
- International Association for Language and Business (IALB)
- IP Globalnet Zaventem
- KULeuven Interdisciplinary Centre of Law & IT Leuven
- Keyware Technologies (Europe) Zaventem
- KULeuven ESAT Speech Lab Heverlee
- L&C nv Zonnegem
- Language & Computing nv Zonnegem
- LANT nv/sa Leuven
- MagicPhone, A Tellme Company Brussels
- Markethic St-Pieters-Leeuw
- MBROLA Project Development Team Mons
- MI4C Merelbeke
- Multitel ASBL Mons
- Natlanco Gent
- Network Consult BVBA Haaltert
- Philips Commercial Activities S.A (Belgium) Bruxelles
- Prompt! Speech Applications Dilbeek
- ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning
- Centre de recherche Termisti
- TCTS Lab, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons Mons
- Technologie & Integratie Gent
- Technologie & Integratie Gent
- Transics N.V. Ieper
- Trisoft n.v. Antwerp
- UbiCall Communications SA Mons
- Voice Insight Brussels
- Voice-Insight Brussels
- Voxtron Europe N.V. Temse
- Voxtron N.V. Sint-Niklaas
- World Telecom Labs Zaventem
- Bh.Kontakt Sarajevo
- Base Software Rio de Janeiro
- Cincom Systems para Computadores (Brasil) São Paulo
- CPqD Campinas SP
- Núcleo Interinstitucional de Lingüística Computacional (NILC) São Carlos - São Paulo
- EyeBill Interactive Solutions Sofia
- Institute of Information Technologies - Bulg. Acad. of Sciences Sofia
- Linguistic Modelling Laboratory - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia
- Simex Telecommunications, Ltd. Sofia
- Sofica Group Jsc. Sofia
- 01 Communique Laboratory Inc Mississauga, ON
- 24-7 INtouch Toronto
- 3C Contact Services Vaughan
- A-Combined Telephony Systems Burnaby, BC
- Adaptive Innovations Richmond Hill, ON
- Advantage Interactive Corporation Barrie, ON
- Alis Technologies Inc. Montreal, PQ
- ANGOSS Software Corporation Toronto, ON
- Angus TeleManagement Group, Inc. Ajax, ON
- ARK e-Tail Services Inc Toronto
- Array Systems Computing, Inc. Toronto, ON
- Astound, Inc. Toronto, ON
- Audio Visual Telecommunications Corporation (AVT) Victoria, BC
- Auditory Research Laboratory Montreal, PQ
- Balisoft Toronto, ON
- Bell Canada - Contact Centre Solutions Toronto, ON
- BGW Multimedia, Inc. Montreal, PQ
- Bramic Creative Business Products Claremont, ON
- Bridge Point international Montréal, Québec
- Broad-Connect Telecom Inc. Vaughan
- Call Center Development Services (CCDS) Montreal
- Call Center Management Association (CA) Toronto, ON
- Call Centre Management Association (Canada) Toronto ON
- Call Ontario - Bell Canada Toronto, ON
- Canada PEI
- CallStream Communications Inc. Oakville, ON
- Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence -
CSCSI Toronto, ON
- Canadian Telecommunications Consultants Association North York, Ontario
- CanTalk (Canada) Inc. Winnipeg
- Centre d'expertise et de veille inforoutes et langues (CEVEIL) Montréal, PQ
- Centrepoint Technologies Ottawa, ON
- CHIC Hospitality Consulting Services Vancouver, BC
- Compusult Limited Mount Pearl, NF
- Computational Linguistics - University of Toronto Toronto, ON
- Computer Talk Technology Richmond Hill, Ontario
- Computer Talk Technology, Inc. (CA) Richmond Hill, ON
- Connectel Ottawa, ON
- CTS Ottawa, ON
- CYGCOM Integrated Technologies Markham, Ontario
- Decisif Software Solutions, Inc. Montreal, QC
- Decisif Software Solutions, Inc. Montreal, Quebec
- Dees Communications, Ltd. Richmond, BC
- eConnexx Inc. Oakville, ON
- Elix Nuns' Island, Quebec
- Emenac Call Center Services London, Ontario
- Entertainment Technology Toronto, ON
- Entretel Inc. Oakville, ON
- Entretel, Inc. Oakville, ON
- ERMETIS, Equipe de Recherche en MicroElectronique & Traitement
Informatique des Signaux, Univ. CHICOUTIMI, QC
- Extend Communications, Inc. Brantford, ON
- Figment Technologies North York, ON
- Frontier Computing Toronto, ON
- Fuseworks Hull, QC
- Gao Research Inc Toronto
- Groupe Cerveau Inc. Montreal. QC
- HTMT Canada Toronto
- Hummingbird North York, ON
- Info Systems Toronto, ON
- Innings Telecom, Inc. Markham, ON
- InnoMediaLogic St-Hubert, Québec
- Inphasx Corporation Kitchener
- Integrated Messaging, Inc. Winnipeg, MB
- International Phonetic Association (IPA) - Canada Victoria, BC
- IP5 Corporation Montreal
- ITI Software Montreal, PQ
- Jet-Tel Solutions Toronto
- LGS Group, Inc. Montreal, QC
- LGS, an IBM Company Toronto
- Locus Dialogue Montreal, PQ
- Logical Software Corporation Burnaby, BC
- Logical Software Corporation Burnaby, BC
- Logical Software Corporation Burnaby
- Machina Sapiens inc. Montreal PQ
- Manitoba Call Centre Team Winnipeg, MB
- Maritime Tel & Tel Halifax, NS
- MarkeTel Multi-Line Dialing Systems Ltd. Regina
- MarkeTel Systems Regina Saskatchewan
- McK Consulting Inc. Windsor, Ontario
- Mediasoft Telecom Ville Mont-Royal, QC
- Memotec Communications Inc. Montreal, Quebec
- Minacs Worldwide Inc Markham
- Minacs Markham, ON
- Mitel Corporation Kanata, Ontario
- Mitercom Nepean, ON
- MoneyTree Software Company Thunder Bay, ON
- MultiCorpora R&D Inc. Gatineau
- Natural Language Laboratory - Simon Fraser University
- Nortel Networks Brampton, ON
- Oratel Networks Toronto
- OTG - The Ottawa Telephony Group, Inc. Ottawa, ON
- OTG- the Ottawa Telephony Group Inc. Ottawa, Ontario
- OutsourceACE Inc. Calgary
- PIKA Technologies Inc.(HQ) Ottawa, Ontario
- POPstar Communications Canada Corp. Vancouver, British Columbia
- PRIMA Nuns Island, PQ
- Progiciels Bourbeau Pinard, Inc. Montreal, PQ
- Pronexus, Inc. Kanata, Ontario
- Pulse Software & Consulting Inc Markham, Ontario
- Pyderion Contact Technologies, Inc. St. Laurent, Quebec
- RALI, University of Montreal Montréal, QC
- Resource Software International, Ltd. (RSI) Oshawa, ON
- RING! Telecom Inc. Toronto, Ontario
- Security Biometrics Inc. Vancouver, BC
- SimonSays Voice Technologies Inc. Toronto
- Simplified Telephony Solutions, Inc. Newmarket, ON
- Sipro Lab Telecom, Inc. Ville Mont-Royal, PQ
- Softel Communications Richmond Hill, Ontario
- Softel Communications, Inc. Richmond Hill, ON
- Spectrum Signal Processing, Inc. Burnaby, BC
- Speech Technology Research Ltd. Victoria, British Columbia
- Speedware Corporation, Inc. St. Laurent, PQ
- STR-Speech Technology Research, Ltd. Victoria, BC
- Switchview, Inc. Waterloo, ON
- SynreVoice Technologies, Inc. Markham, ON
- ! TeleContacting Scarborough
- Talk 2 Me Technology, Inc. Burlington, ON
- TASKE Technology Inc. Kanata, ON
- Telacquire Marketing Group Inc. Vancouver, BC
- Teleliaison Inc. Lachine, QC
- Teleliaison, Inc. Lachine, QC
- Telephony Managed Solutions, Inc. (TMSI) Burnaby, B.C.
- The permanent council for the organization of the International
Conferences on Spoken Language Processing (PCICSLP)
- The Virtual Edge Newmarket
- Time iCR Inc. Ottawa
- TinyEYE Technologies SASKATOON
- TKM Communications Markham, ON
- Trango Software Corporation Richmond Hill, ON
- UniExchange Corporation Toronto, Ontario
- Universal TeleResponse Toronto, ON
- University of Toronto Computational Linguistics Lab Toronto
- VIPswitch Inc. Brossard (Montreal), QC
- VIPSwitch Brossard (Montreal), Quebec
- Visionyze CA St. Laurent, QC
- VOCALSCAPE Communications Inc. Burnaby, BC
- Voice Systems Corp. Scarborough, ON
- Vancouver, BC
- VoiceGenie Technologies Inc. Toronto
- VoiceGenie Technologies Inc. Toronto
- Wavemakers Inc. Vancouver, BC
- Windows to Technology, Ltd. Foxboro, ON
- Zi Corporation Calgary, Alberta
- Cable & Wireless HKT Teleservices Hong Kong
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chinese
University of Hong Kong Shatin N.T. Hong Kong
- Department of Computer Science Information Systems (CSIS),
University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
- Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology Kowloon, Hong Kong
- Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Kowloon, Hong Kong
- InfoQuick Software Technology Corporation Beijing
- Lawsons InfoTech Hong Kong Guangdong
- Microsoft Research (Beijing) Hai Dian District, Beijing
- Beijing Haitian Ruisheng Science Technology Ltd. Beijing
- Winbond Electronics Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb Zagreb
- Linguistics Department, University of Zadar Zadar
- Center for Computational Linguistics Prague
- CIT, spol. s r.o. Praha 6
- CTU Speech Processing and Signal Analysis Group, Czech Technical
University Praha 6, Dejvice, Prague
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of
West Bohemia Plzen
- Department of Electronics and Signal Processing Liberec
- Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL) Prague
- Institute of Phonetics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague
- Institute of the Czech National Corpus Prague 1
- Speech@FIT, Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology Brno
- Call Center Europe A/S Sønderborg
- Center for PersonKommunikation Aalborg Ø
- Danacom A/S Solroed Strand
- Department of General and Applied Linguistics, University of
Copenhagen Copenhagen S
- Direct Response Services, Inc. Frederiksberg
- Diret Response Services A/S Frederiksberg
- GN Netcom AS (DK) Ballerup
- ISS Tele Response Copenhagen
- mobilethink as Århus C
- National Telecom Agency Copenhagen
- Natural Interactive Systems Laboratory (NISLab) Odense M
- ScanCom Danmark A/S Copenhagen
- Service & Support Forum Kgs. Lyngby
- Ahlan contact center communications Maadi, Helwan
- ECCO Outsourcing Cairo
- ISourcing Cairo
- A-Script Service Ltd. Tallinn
- Laboratory of Phonetics and Speech Technology Tallinn
- Bitlips Oy Helsinki
- Gurusoft, Inc. Helsinki
- Help Desk Institute - Finland HELSINKI
- Joensuun yliopisto (University of Joensuu) Joensuu
- Kielikone Ltd. Helsinki
- Lab. of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, Helsinki
University of Technology Espoo
- Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Helsinki
University of Technology Helsinki
- Language Technology Unit, University of Helsinki Helsingin yliopisto
- Lingsoft, Inc. Helsinki
- Nokia Group NOKIA GROUP
- Nokia Research Center Helsinki
- Nokia Wireless Software Solutions NOKIA GROUP
- Sonera Corporation SONERA
- The Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society - FAIS VTT
- University of Helsinki Helsinki
- Wicom Communications Ltd. Espoo
- Activox Nanterre Cedex
- Alcatel Paris
- Alcatel Paris
- Alcatel Paris
- Alsatel Metz
- Alti Levallois-Perret Cedex
- Amplitude International Paris
- Aramis Communication Marketing Nantes
- ARCHES sarl Claix
- Argon-groupe Levallois Perret Cedex
- As an angel Paris
- Association des Professionnels des Industries de la Langue Montreuil
- ATALA - Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues Paris
- Autorité de régulation des télécommunications PARIS Cedex 15
- Belgacom - France Paris
- Biometrie-Online.Net Guernes
- Bourdais Gérance Paris
- Linkcom CLAMART
- Call Center Alliance Paris
- Carniel Marketing Marseille
- Com 2i Voie d'Angleterre, Vitrolles
- Dialoca Paris
- DigiWay Consulting Boulogne-Billancourt
- école supérieure d'ingénieurs en électronique et électrotechnique Noisy Le Grand
- Elan informatique Toulouse
- Eneide Paris
- ESRI France Meudon
- Etamine Le Loroux Bottereau
- Eurekasoft CHATILLON Cedex
- European Association for Lexicography (EURALEX) Grenoble
- European Language Resources Association Paris
- European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Sophia Antipolis Cedex
- Eurotelefone ROUBAIX
- Fi SYSTEM Paris
- Funk Software Europe Rosny-sous-Bois Cedex
- GROUP/adress Sevres cedex
- Groupe Bull Louveciennes
- GTS Omnicom Picardie AMIENS
- HOLISTIQUE Communication Rueil-Mamaison
- HOLY-DIS SA Colombes Cedex
- Human-Machine Communication Department, (LIMSI-CNRS) Orsay
- i-KM Levens
- IDYLIC S.A. Ramonville St-Agne
- Informater Genevieve des Bois Cedex
- Institut de la Communication Parlée, ICP Grenoble, Cedex 1
- Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) Toulouse Cedex 4
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique Le chesnay
- Integro Telecom PALAISEAU
- Interactive Intelligence, Inc. (FR) Aix-en-Provence
- KELLY Teleaction Paris
- Kimoce Mulhouse
- Knowings Le Bourget du Lac
- Laboratoire d'ingénerie de la connaissance multimédia multilingue Fontenay-aux-Roses
- Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique (LADL) -
University of Marne-la-Vallée Champs-sur-Marne, Marne-La-Vallee Cedex 2
- LexiQuest (Paris) Montreuil Cedex
- LEXTRONIC Eygalieres
- Lorraine Laboratory for Research into Information Technology and
its Applications (LOIRA) Vanduvre-lès-Nancy
- Marketic Paris
- MG2 Technologies Paris
- MYSOFT Paris
- Newtel Vanves
- ORNIS S.A Asnières
- Parrot S.A. Paris
- Sinequa Paris
- Special Interest Group on Computational Semantics (SIGSEM)
- STMicroelectronics St. Genis
- Sysemo Paris
- Systran, S.A. Soisy-sous-Montmorency
- Tagmatica Paris
- Technologies-GID Courbevoie Cedex
- Telisma Lannion
- Ubitalk Paris
- VECSYS Les Ulis
- Vision Objects Nantes Cedex 3
- Vocapia Research Orsay
- Institute of Control Systems - Georgian Academy of Sciences Tbilisi
- Übersetzungsbüro Perfekt Hamburg
- Accipio Consulting Aachen
- aixvox GmbH Aachen
- Aleph Data GmbH Nürtingen
- alltrotec® Softwaresystemhaus GmbH Radebeul
- Applied Computer Science VII - Intelligent Information and
Communication Systems, FernUniversität Hagen Hagen
- arcom Kommunikationstechnologie GmbH Aachen
- AS Anwender-Systeme Aachen
- ASKA Sindelfingen
- aspect Gesellschaft für Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation mbH Norderstedt
- ATIP GmbH Frankfurt am Main
- Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals München
- Böhme Datentechnik /NCT Stuttgart
- GmbH Stadecken-Elsheim
- Computational Linguistics Research Group,
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Freiburg
- CreaLog GmbH Munich
- Datan Software & Analyse GmbH Teltow
- Dawin GmbH Troisdorf
- Department of Computational Linguistics - University of
Erlangen/Nürnberg Erlangen
- Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics,
Universität des Saarlandes Saarbrücken
- Department of Computer Science, Gerhard-Mercator-University
Duisburg Duisburg
- Dept. of Communications Engineering - University of Bremen Bremen
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) Konstanz
- DFKI GmbH, Forschungsbereich Sprachtechnologie Saarbrücken
- Diktat Starten! Gießen
- Mercedes-Benz Cars Development -- Daimler AG Sindelfingen
- Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum
- ETeX Sprachsynthese AG Frankfurt/M.
- Flintec Informations-Technologien Mannheim
- fluSoft Dresden
- Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen Erlangen
- FW Consulting Ottenhofen
- Gesellschaft für linguistische Datenverarbeitung (GLDV) -
University of Bonn Bonn
- Uebersetzung Plus Rheine-Mesum
- HDI-Central Europe Frankfurt am Main
- Heartsome Europe GmbH Roßtal
- HEISOFT AG Cologne
- Herkommer Soft-Hardware Kirchardt
- hs-electronics Falkensee
- Industrial Investment Council Berlin
- Innoworx Witten
- Institut der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Informationsforschung e.V. (GFAI) - University of the Saarland Saarbrücken
- Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim
- Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum
- Institut für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik (IKP) Bonn
- Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (IMS) Stuttgart
- Institut für Phonetik und digitale Sprachverarbeitung (IPDS) -
Univ. of Kiel Kiel
- Institut für Semantische Informationsverarbeitung - Universität
Osnabrück Osnabrück
- Institute for Circuits and Systems Theory (LNS) Kiel-Gaarden
- Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS) - University of
Stuttgart Stuttgart
- Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, University of Munich München
- InVision Software Ratingen North Rhine Westphalia
- Landwehr & Partner Nürnberg
- Langenscheidt KG München
- Language Technology Lab, DFKI GmbH Saarbrücken
- LANMed Consulting e.K. Klingenberg/M.
- Lingenio GmbH Heidelberg
- Lingua-Systems Software GmbH Herne
- Linguatec GmbH München
- linguatec language technologies GmbH Munich
- Mende Speech Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Bammental
- NatS, Natural Language Systems Division, Computer Science Dept.,
Univ. Hamburg Hamburg
- nextDOOR Digitale Diktiersysteme Ostermünchen
- Novotech GmbH Allensbach
- OLYMPUS Optical Co. (Europa) GmbH Hamburg
- OmniNet GmbH Eckental
- Otto-von-Guericke University, Cognitive Systems Magdeburg
- ProActa Berlin
- RW-Electronics Leverkusen
- SCS GmbH Lüdinghausen
- SD Buero-Shop Aschaffenburg
- Sennheiser Electronic GmbH & Co. Wedemark
- SIKOM Software GmbH
- SmartKom Saarbruecken
- Speech & Phone Herrenberg
- Sympalog Voice Solutions GmbH 91052 Erlangen
- TECONT GmbH Leipzig-Wachau
- Teleca Speech Technologies Nuremberg
- Telenet GmbH Kommunikationssysteme München
- Telenet GmbH Kommunikationssysteme München
- Temic SDS GmbH Ulm
- Tobit Software GmbH Ahaus
- Toptranslation GmbH Hamburg
- University of Bremen Bremen
- University of Potsdam, Computational Linguistics, Dep't of
Linguistics Potsdam-Golm
- varetis AG München
- Vdi/Vde-IT Euromap Teltow
- ViaVoice München
- Vipcom GmbH Muenchen
- visavis-translation Hamburg
- VOICE & WORDS Johannesburg
- Voice@Net Oberhausen
- VoiceCommande Mayen
- VoiceDriven Communications AG Wiesbaden
- voiceINTERconnect GmbH Dresden
- VoiceObjects Bergisch-Gladbach
- XtraMind Technologies GmbH Saarbrücken
- Xybernaut GmbH Böblingen
- Institute for Language and Speech Processing Marousi, Athens
- National Centre for Scientific Research (N.C.S.R.)
- Speech & Language Technology group (SLT group) Rio
- Wire Communications Laboratory Patras
- LL Contact Center Tegucigalpa
- Call Centre Association (CCA)
- Epro Telecom Services, Ltd. Mongkok, Kowloon
- GN Netcom Asia Ltd Central Hong Kong
- Human Language Technology Center (HLTC) - Hong Kong University Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
- InfoTalk Corporation Ltd.
- IVRS (International) Ltd. / Interactive Technology Ltd. Causeway Bay
- Pacific Century Cyberworks Quarry Bay
- The Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) Wanchai
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest
- MorphoLogic Budapest
- SPECO Budapest
- Technical University of Budapest, Department of
Telecommunications and Telematics Budapest
- TeleMedia First Hungarian Call Center Service LLC Budapest
- Post- and Telecom Administration of Iceland Kopavogur
- +astTECS Communications Bangalore
- 1 Varshyl company San Jose
- 24/7 Customer
- ADI Infotech Pvt. Ltd Gurgaon, Haryana
- Aditi Technologies Pvt., Ltd. (IN) Bangalore
- Agni e-Solutions New Delhi
- Air Infotech - India Gurgaon Haryana
- Annvika Thane
- Avhan Enterprises Mumbai Maharashtra
- Banasthali University Banasthali
- Baton IT Solutions kanchipuram
- BK ONE Corporate Training Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
- Cincom Systems India New Delhi
- Consultus Preet Vihar Community Center, Vikas Marg Delhi
- Bangalore Karnataka
- Teledata India Delhi
- Drishti Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd Gurgaon
- Emenac call center and outsurcing services Lahore
- Encore Software Limited Bangalore
- Enhancement Technologies India Chennai Tamil Nadu
- Excel Consulting New Delhi
- FonSys Infotech India Pvt Ltd Chakala, Andheri East Mumbai
- Hanu Software Ltd Gurgaon
- New Delhi
- HEADS2YOU Mumbai
- Icon Data Management Ltd,India NOIDA
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai
- Infinity Informations (P) Ltd New delhi
- Information Exchange India Chennai Tamil Nadu
- Infovision Group Gurgaon
- Integra Call Center Tamil Nadu
- Integra Microsystems (P)Ltd Bangalore
- Interactive World Gurgaon
- InterActyve Global Services Gurgaon
- Krishna Engineering College GHAZIABAD
- Lingual Consultancy gurgaon
- Media Masters lucknow
- Move Offshore Chennai
- Navigant Technologies Private Limited New Delhi
- NDDW new delhi
- Neem Systems Pvt. Ltd Hyderabad
- Nirvana Business Solutions Bangalore
- Encodex Technologies Pune
- Paras Calltec Ltd Gurgaon
- PARSEC Technologies (India) Ltd. Gurgaon, Haryana
- PASS IT Consulting Pvt Ltd Hyderabad
- Q 2 Serves Infotech Gurgaon
- Q-MAC Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Trivandrum
- Ravi Software Services Jamshedpur
- Rhombus Technologies Mumbai
- RSB Systems Inc. Gurgaon
- Servion Global Solutions, Ltd. Chennai
- Simmortel Voice Technologies (P) Ltd Kanpur
- Somya Life Sciences Delhi
- Somya Translators Pvt.Ltd. Delhi
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai
- TatvaSoft Ahmedabad
- Technomeet Solutions Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar
- Tecnovate eSolutions New delhi
- Trans-Lingua Global Creative Services Navi Mumbai
- United Research Labs
- (I) Pvt. Ltd Indore
- Speech Processing Research Lab, Yazd University Yazd
- Speech Processing Research Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran
- Buytel, Ltd. Dublin 2
- Dept. of Computer Science - University College Dublin Dublin 4
- Digital Signal Processing Research Group
- Inhouse Training Dublin 6
- Office Of The Director Of Telecommunications Regulation (ODTR) Dublin
- Softech Telecom, Ltd. Dublin 18
- Star 55 Dublin
- TCD Computational Linguistics Group Dublin
- Arelnet Ltd. Yavne
- ART Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. Tel Aviv
- Artuv Communications & Software, Ltd. Tel Aviv
- AudioCodes, Ltd. Yehud
- Babylon
- Baobab Technologies, Inc.
- Cellmax Systems Tel Aviv
- Configate Inc. Rehovot
- Configate Ltd. Rehovot
- CTware
- EasyRun Raanana
- Harmos Technologies, Ltd.
- NLP (Natural Language Processing) - The Hebrew University
- Idioma, Ltd. Herzeliya
- Integrated Telecom Systems Azur
- IntelliGate Ramat Gan
- ITS Integrated Telecom Systems, Ltd Azur
- ITS, Ltd. Azur
- Laboratory for Computational Linguistics - Technion-Israel
Institute of Technology
- Machine Learning Lab - Hebrew University
- Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. Or Yehuda
- MIND CTI Ltd Yoqneam
- Mind CTI Ltd. Yoqneam
- Natural Speech Communication Ltd. Rishon Lezion
- NICE Systems, Ltd. Ra'anana
- Persay Ltd. Tel-Aviv
- Phone-Or Ltd. Or-Yehuda
- Pivotal D.N. Hefer
- PRAF Microcomputer Technologies Ltd. Holon
- Qronus Interactive, Ltd. Yehud
- Surf Communication Solutions, Inc. Yokne'am
- TalkerNet Technologies Ltd. Ramat Gan
- TalkerNet Technologies, Ltd. Ramat Gan
- Tdsoft Communications Inc. Herzlia
- Tikal Networks Ltd. Petach Tikva
- VocalTec Communications Ltd. Herzliya
- CELI Torino
- Cognitive and Communication Technologies Division, Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica Povo - Trento
- Comdata SpA Milan
- CSELT - Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni Turin
- CSELT Turin
- eCommerce and Tourism Research Laboratory Povo-Trento
- European National Activities for Basic Language Resources Pisa
- Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards Pisa
- Gedam Europe s.r.l. Torino
- Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC-CNR) Pisa
- Loquendo Torino
- Reitek Spa Milan
- Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
- VOiceXML Italian User Group
- Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International
(ATR) Kyoto
- ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories (ATR-HIP) Kyoto
- ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research Laboratories Kyoto
- COCOSDA Seika-cho, Kyoto
- Furui-Lab, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
- Help Desk Center Minato-ku, Tokyo
- Itakura Laboratory Chikusa-ku, Nagoya
- National Institute of Informatics Tokyo
- NTT Musashino R&D Center Tokyo
- Signal Processing and Language Information Science Laboratory Hokkaido
- Sony Computer Science Laboratories Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
- The International Committee for the Co-ordination and
Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assesment Techniques (COCOSDA)
- Tsujii Laboratory - University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
- eBridgeCom, Inc Seoul
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Daejeon
- HeyAnita Korea Seoul
- Locus Corporation Seoul
- BPO WorldWide Riga
- Centre of Computational Linguistics - Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas
- Speech Research Laboratory - Kaunas University of Technology Kaunas
- Ericsson Enterprise East Asia Selangor Darul Ehsan
- Association for Computer Linguistics - European Chapter Msida
- Apollo Solutions Ltd Port Louis
- Serviphony Port Louis
- Computing Research Center of the National Polytechnic Institute Mexico DF
- Pegaso PCS Mexico, D.F.
- MAP Telecom Monaco
- !Effective Rotterdam
- @voice Amsterdam
- ABC Solutions BV Bilthoven
- Accelerate International Bussum
- Acoustical Society of the Netherlands Maastricht
- ActiCom Huizen
- Active Voice (EMEA HQ) Almere
- Adecco Call Center Solutions Utrecht
- Advance Voice Technology bv Heemstede
- Alva B.V. Arnhem
- Amaryllis Sales Research BV Heerhugowaard
- Amerland BV Oosterhout NB
- AMI Amsterdam
- Aspect Communications Hoofddorp
- Audiotex Nederland BV Rotterdam
- Blauw Contactcenter Rotterdam
- Blue-Comm BV Amsterdam
- Bolesian (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young) Utrecht
- Boport Tele-communication BV Maarssen
- Boport Telecommunication B.V. Maarssen
- BPS International BV Bergeijk
- Brickworks B.V. Culemborg
- Brickworks B.V. Culemborg
- Bureau Rietmeijer Facility Planning BV Almere
- Call Center Consultancy B.V. Gilze
- Call Center Consultancy BV Gilze
- Call Center Consultancy Group B.V. Utrecht
- Call center Loket regio Zwolle Zwolle
- Call Center Managers Association (Netherlands) Maarn
- CallCom Group b.v. Amersfoort
- Calway Nederland b.v. GRONINGEN
- Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University Nijmegen Nijmegen
- CitoCom Telecommunicatie BV Utrecht
- CMG Amstelveen
- Colibri Project, Utrecht University Utrecht
- Computercollectief Amsterdam
- Comtree Client Communication Center Heerlen
- Contarra Systems Baarn
- Coníche International Bosch en Duin
- CPI International Marketing Services BV Capelle aan den IJssel
- CSS Telecom Utrecht
- CSS Telecom Utrecht
- CyberLan BV De Meern
- Deltanet telecom Amersfoort
- Department of Language and Speech at the University of Nijmegen Nijmegen
- Department of Language and Speech Nijmegen
- Department of Linguistics, Universiteit Leiden Leiden
- DigiVox Rotterdam
- Duivestein Techniek BV Leiden
- Energis NV Rotterdam
- Ericsson Telecommunicatie B.V. Rijen
- Erigen International BV Hilversum
- Essent Kabelcom NV Groningen
- European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) Amsterdam
- European Network in Human Language Technologies Utrecht
- European Patent Office Rijswijk
- Fluency/Van Dale Lexicografie BV UTRECHT
- Formatex Information Technology Rotterdam
- Frontline Call & Voice Products Rotterdam
- Functions of Audiovisual Prosody Tilburg
- Vertaalbureau Fairlingo Enschede
- G2 Speech B.V. Nuenen
- GCC Almere
- Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories BV Huizen
- Gios Voice Professionals BV Oss
- GO Telecom BV Zwijndrecht
- Group 2000 Nederland B.V. Almelo
- Hacousto International Berkel en Rodenrijs
- Help Desk Institute Benelux Purmerend
- Hennekes & Knibbe Gouda
- Hepworth Amersfoort Amersfoort
- Hollandse Telecommunicatie Maatschappij BV Zevenaar
- Human Inference B.V. Arnhem
- ICON Systems Breda
- In Time Netbuilding Amsterdam
- Incontrol Business Engineers Maarssen
- Innovedia B.V. Arnhem
- InsoniQ Utrecht
- Institute for Logic, Language and Computation - University ofAmsterdam Amsterdam
- Instituut voor Fonetische Wetenschappen Amsterdam
- Intel Benelux BV Nieuwegein
- Intercai Nederland BV Utrecht
- Interdata Rotterdam
- Interfoon BV Raamsdonkveer
- Interfoon Call Centers B.V. Rotterdam
- IP Globalnet Nederland B.V Soesterberg
- iXware Nederland BV Vlaardingen
- Jansen Venneboer Customer Dialogue Haarlem
- Key Net marketing services Leiden
- Kirium Interactions Schagen
- Knowledge Concepts BV Vught
- Kompagne BV Utrecht
- Koning en Hartman BV Delft
- KPN Telecommerce Hilversum
- KPN WorldSource Call Center Service Den Haag
- Language and Inference Technology Group Amsterdam
- Logica BV Rotterdam
- LUMIDEE Headset Company s-Hertogenbosch
- Europe B.V. The Hague
- MarktSelect Diemen
- Massxess Almere
- MCI WorldCom, Inc. (NL) Amsterdam
- Netsource Venray
- New Bridges Dordrecht
- Niceware Utrecht
- Nimava Telecom B.V. ZEIST
- Officia Holding NV Amsterdam
- OFFICIA Holding NV Amsterdam
- Oracle Nederland BV De Meern
- ORCAvoice bv Oss
- Orion - ICT Nijmegen
- Paul Postma Marketing Consultancy Utrecht
- PCS Industrial Voice Processing
- PerfectCall BV Zoetermeer
- Perot Systems Corporation Amersfoort
- Philips Nederland BV/ Business Communications Hilversum
- Polderland Language & Speech Technology bv Nijmegen
- Provite Telefoonmarketing Den Haag
- PTT Telecom Den Haag
- Q4MATICS BV Tilburg
- QH softwaretraining & advies Oosterbeek
- Quality Support B.V. Houten
- Quintop Gouda
- Quintus consultants Amersfoort
- Scarlet Telecom Lelystad
- Search & Results Telemarketing BV Utrecht
- Sentient Machine Research BV Amsterdam
- Siemens Nederland N.V. Den Haag
- Sopheon NV Maastricht
- Spangenberg BV Maastricht
- SPARQ Amstelveen
- Speech Processing Expertise Centre Utrecht
- Stratel consultancy BV Capelle a.d. IJssel
- Sumihiro Signal Processing Haarlem
- Superfone Telecommunicatie BV Woerden
- Centre for Speech and Language Technology Leiden
- TADICOM Benelux Maastricht
- TALO BV Bussum
- TeamForce Systems BV Oosterhout
- Tehabo Techniek b.v Apeldoorn
- Tele'Train BV Amsterdam
- Tele-BS Telecom Business Services BV 'S-Hertogenbosch
- Telec Electronics BV Zoetermeer
- TeleCats BV Call Processing Solutions Enschede
- Teledynamics BV Amersfoort
- Telefuture International Holding BV Rotterdam
- Telematica International Weert
- Teleperformance Nederland Tilburg
- Teleteam Nederland B.V. Roosendaal
- TeleTigers B.V. WOERDEN
- Telfort B.V. Amsterdam Z-O
- THRIT Soest
- Tiptel b.v. Almere
- TKI secretariat (Parlevink), University of Twente, Department of
Computer Science Enschede
- Top$core B.V. Gouda
- Topterm VOF Amsterdam
- Tote-m business architects Amsterdam
- Transword Holland B.V. Arnhem
- Turner Solutions Leusden
- UniCall Communication Technology BV St. Philipsland
- UPC Amsterdam Amsterdam
- Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS Utrecht
- Vantive BV (NL) Hoofddorp
- Verdonck, Klooster & Associates Zoetermeer
- Versatel Netherlands Amsterdam
- Vicorp Nederland BV Utrecht
- Vocalibur Language & Speech Technology B.V. Amsterdam
- Voice Data Systems BV (NL) Utrecht
- VSN Systemen BV Venray
- WGCC Leidschendam
- Xtrasource Enschede
- ZS Management Group Diemen
- Datacom eServices NZ Auckland
- Hindin Communications, Ltd. Christchurch
- Mi-Quality North Shore City
- Orator Technologies Ltd Auckland
- PULSE DATA Christchurch
- Telecommunications Policy Section, Ministry of Commerce Wellington
- Ara Training Oslo
- Comuniq ASA Oslo
- Damgaard AS Oslo
- Nordisk Språkteknologi Voss, Tvildemoen
- Norwegian Post And Telecommunications Authority Oslo
- Service Quality Management Norway AS Oslo
- Speech Ware a/s Aalborg
- The Humanities Information Technologies (HIT) Centre Bergen
- Call Center Traininig Offered by Nist Karachi
- National Institute of Skilled Training Karachi
- TransData Pvt. Ltd. Lahore
- Websolutnz Peshawar
- Organismo Supervisor de Inversion Privada en Telecomunicaciones
- A78 Solutions Makati City
- ACS Pacific Ltd Salcedo Village, Makati City
- Alcatel Philippines, Inc. Makati City
- Alliance Technologies Corporation Makati City
- Asia Telecom BPO Pasig
- Bottomline Interactive Multimedia Speech Laboratory Davao City
- CallServ Corporation Pasig City
- Connect2, Inc. Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
- EBDI Philippines Inc. Makati
- Equicom Systems Management, Inc. Legaspi Village, Makati City
- Executive Boutique Call Center Cebu City
- FilWeb Asia Inc. City of San Pedro, Laguna
- Global Sky Pasig City
- Globaltech Industrial Corporation Manila
- The Resource Group Phlippines, Inc. Pasig City
- Argos Company Ltd. Krakow
- Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw
- Altitude Software Algés, Lisbon
- Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon Lisbon
- Europe Contact Center Lisboa
- Instituto das Comunicacoes de Portugal (ICP) Lisboa
- Spoken Language Systems Lab, INESC-ID Lisbon Lisbon
- Proglobo Telheiras
- WebPhone VoIP Phone Madeira
- +TRANSCRIPT Bucharest
- Business Relations Timisoara
- Call Center, Call Centers in Romania, Romanian Call Centers Bucharest
- WEBCLOUD Bucharest
- Department of Computer Science, Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca
- Dept. Computer Science, University 'Babes-Bolyai', Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca
- Faculty of Computer Science, 'Al. I. Cuza' University Iasi
- Global Remote Services Bucharest
- The Open Informational Systems Analysis and Synthesis Institute IASI
- Artvister Iasi
- Mediatel Data Bucharest
- National Institute of Forensic Expertises Bucharest
- NLS - Newline Services S.R.L - Multilingual Call Centers
- ParkLife call center Timisoara
- Roen Connection Iasi
- Romanian Academy Institute for Artificial Intelligence Bucharest
- SC Servit Consultanta SRL Bucharest
- SOFTWIN Bucharest
- Telecall Center Iasi
- - CallCenters Romania Bucharest
- TOPEX Bucharest
- UnikBIT Call Center Romania Bucharest
- Valoris Center SRL Bucharest
- Computational linguistics laboratory, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
- K.E.Tsiolkovsky Russian State Technol. University - 'MATI', Moscow Moscow
- PROMT St. Petersburg
- Speech Technology Center Saint Petersburg
- Speech Technology Center St.Petersburg
- Spirit Corp Moscow
- SPIRIT Moscow
- Titan Technology co. St-Petersburg
- YUMA-Development Ltd. St. Petersburg
- ACS Innovations International Pte Singapore
- Aeradio Technology PTE LTD Singapore
- Affinity Communications Pte Ltd Singapore
- Aztech Systems, Inc. Singapore
- Bradley Reporting Pty Ltd, Bradley Reporting (Asia) Pte Ltd Singapore
- Call Center Council of Singapore Singapore
- Call Centre Council of Singapore (CCCS) Singapore
- Cedant Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore
- Cincom Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd Singapore
- Compaq computers Asia pte Ltd Singapore
- Cyberengineering Pte Ltd Singapore
- Cygron, Pte. Ltd.
- DTZ Operations Pte Ltd Singapore
- Dynamics Software Distribution (S) Pte Ltd Singapore
- Eglocal Technology Services Singapore
- Epicor Software (Asia) Pte Ltd Singapore
- Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories Asia Pte Ltd Singapore
- Help Desk Institute - Singapore Singapore
- Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
- Alpineon R&D Ljubljana
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Maribor
- Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems Ljubljana
- Masterpoint d.o.o. Ljubljana
- Atio Corporation Rivonia
- ATIO Corporation JHB
- Call Center Networking Group South Africa Gardenview
- Centre-ing Services cc Cape Town Cape Province
- enCue Communications Johannesburg
- iChoices Call Centre Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg
- South Africa Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (SATRA) Sandton
- Afiscar Marketing, S.L. Madrid (San Sebastián de los Reyes)
- Aholab signal processing group Bilbao
- Applied Technologies on Language and Speech Barcelona
- Artificial Intelligence Section (IA), Technical University of
Catalonia Barcelona
- University of Malaga Málaga
- Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence - ACIA Bellaterra, Catalonia
- Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica Madrid
- Cincom Iberia S.A. (Spain) Madrid
- E.T.S.I. Industriales de la UNED Madrid
- Grup d'Investigació en Lingüística Computacional - Universitat deBarcelona Barcelona
- Research Group on Signal Processing and Communications(GiPSyC) Granada
- imaxin software Santiago de Compostela - GALIZA
- LID Editorial Empresarial Madrid
- Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology Group Valencia
- Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN) Alicante
- Speech Processing Group - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona
- Speech Technology Group (Grupo de Tecnología del Habla, GTH),
Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
UPM) Madrid
- Language, Terminology and Translation Technology - Universitat Jaume I Castelló
- Research Center for Language and Speech Technology andApplications (TALP) - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Catalonia
- Teima Madrid
- Telecomputer Madrid
- Caprisma Stockholm
- Cardolan AB Stockholm
- Castcom AB Stockholm Stockholm
- Cincom Systems of Sweden GÖTEBORG
- Continuing Education Institute - Europe AB Finspong
- Departement of Linguistics and Phonetics (Institutionen för
Lingvistik) Lund
- Department of Linguistics - Göteborg University Göteborg
- Ericsson STOCKHOLM
- European Neural Network Society (ENNS) Skövde
- Excellent e-Service AB SOLNA
- Gõteborg University, Educational Programme in Computational
Linguistics Göteborg
- ITK Gruppen AB Västerås
- Natural Language Processing Laboratory - Linköpings universitet Linköping
- Pipebeach AB Stockholm
- Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Institutionen för tal, musik
och hörsel Stockholm
- Support Services Institute - Sweden STOCKHOLM
- Swedish Graduate School of Language Technology (GSLT) Göteborg
- Telia Promotor Uppsala
- Teligent AB (HQ) Nynäshamn
- The Centre for Speech Technology (CTT) Stockholm
- Voice Provider Sweden AB Stockholm
- Voxi AB Stockholm
- Aircall Communications SA Lausanne
- Albert-Inc. SA Pully
- Canoo Engineering AG Basel
- CLS Communication Zurich
- Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence
(IDIAP) Martigny
- Dictaphone Europe AG Ruemlang
- European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) Genève
- European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) Genève
- European Association for Speech, Signal and Image Processing
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Geneva 20
- ISSCO / TIM - Ecole de Traduction et d'Interprétation -University
of Geneva Genève 4
- Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale
(IDSIA) Manno-Lugano
- Laboratoire d'Analyse Informatique de la Parole (LAIP) -
University of Lausanne Lausanne
- Langsoft (Sprachlernmittel) Walenstadt
- Natural Language Processing - Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology CH-1015
- Softtrend AG Bern
- ACCEL Inc. Hsinchu
- Applied Speech Technologies Corp. Taipei
- Knowledge and Language Engineering Laboratory (KLE) - Pohang
University Hyoja-Dong, Pohang
- Natural Language Processing Laboratory at National TaiwanUniversity Taipei
- Welltech Computer Co., Ltd. CHUNG-HO CITY, TAIPEI HSIEN
- Caelan Wright & Associates Limited Bangkok
- Call Center Asia Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok
- Knowledge Information & Data Management Laboratory, SIIT Pathum Thani
- CMC, Customer Management Center, Iletisim A.S Istanbul
- GLOBAL BILGI A.S. Istanbul
- GVZ Speech Technologies Software Services C.O Istanbul
- Hacettepe University Ankara
- Kemik Natural Language Processing Group Istanbul
- Laboratory for the Computational Studies of Language (LcsL) -
Middle East Technical University Ankara
- Sestek Istanbul
- 380Global Multilingual Contact Center Kiev
- Headset Plus Inc. Naperville
- National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kiev
- U.C.I.T. Ukraine Multilingual Call Center Kiev
- Global Tech Fz LLC. Dubai
- Reach Global Services Dubai
- 20/20 Speech, Ltd. Malvern, Worcestershire
- 3F Ltd. Durham
- 4C Strategies Limited Oakham, Rutland
- ABA Ltd Derby, Derbyshire
- Achiever CRM Birmingham
- Aculab, Plc Mount Farm, Milton Keynes
- Adacel Technologies (Europe) Ltd. Cheshire
- Advanced Technology Services International (ATSI) Leeds
- AgileDial London
- AgileTaxi London
- AllVoice Computing plc. Newton Abbot, Devon
- Altimax House London
- Altimax London
- Alveronic Communications Technologies, Ltd. Seaton, Hull
- AMCAT Call Centre Software London
- Amisys Technologies Ltd London
- AND Data Solutions (UK) Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Ansapoint Call Center Software Crawley, West Sussex
- Arc En Ciel Ltd London
- Armstrong Communications Plc Salford Quays, Manchester
- Ascot Systems Worthing, West Sussex
- AxiCom London
- Big Hand, Ltd. London
- Blue Wave Systems, Ltd. Loughborough, Leicestershire
- BPA Corporate Facilitation, Ltd. Honiton, Devon
- Alness, Ross-shire
- Brentcross Media Group Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
- BridgeHead Software Leatherhead, Surrey
- British Society of Audiology Reading
- Bruton Consultancy Wales
- BT Exact Ipswich
- Buchanan E-Mail Limited Aberdeenshire
- Business Intelligence Wimbledon, London
- Business Systems, Ltd. (UK) Isleworth
- Byzantium Solutions Limited Leamington Spa
- C3 Computer Telephony Cambridge
- Calcom Group London
- Call Center Management Association (UK) Crawley, West Sussex
- Call Centre Association (UK) Glasgow, Scotland
- Call Centre Management Association (UK) Crawley, West Sussex
- Call Centre Managers, Ltd. Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
- Call Centre Support Ltd Bradford
- Call Centre Technology Ltd Bristol, Avon
- CallCentric Windsor, Berkshire
- Callscan Limited (UK) Birmingham
- CallSoft Inc London
- Callsoft, Ltd. Docklands, London
- Canolfan Bedwyr, University of Wales, Bangor Bangor
- Canon Research Centre Europe, Ltd. Bracknell, Berkshire
- Cascom Limited Maidenhead
- Catalyst IT Partners Ltd. Theale, Berkshire
- CCL-Hansen Limited Hornsea, East Yorkshire
- Cedar Tele-Connect Cobham, Surrey
- Centre for Communication Interface Research (CCIR) Edinburgh
- Centre for Computational Linguistics - UMIST Manchester Manchester
- Centre for Computer Analysis of Language and Speech (CCALAS) -
University of Leeds
- Centre for Speech Technology Research Edinburgh
- Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) Guildford
- Checkmate Meridian East
- Chelston Call Systems Ltd Chorleywood, Hertfordshire
- Chrysos Consulting Hollington, Ashbourne
- Cincom Systems (UK) Limited Maidenhead, Berks
- CITEL Technologies, Ltd. Edwalton, Nottingham
- CL/MT Research Group - University of Essex Colchester
- CMP Europe Ltd Tonbridge, Kent
- Cobalt Telephone Technologies Basingstoke, Hampshire
- Cognitive Science in the Division of Informatics, University of
Edinburgh Edinburgh
- Comcat Loudwater, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
- Comdisco, Inc. (UK) Brentford, Middlesex
- Computational Linguistics community United Kingdom (CLUK)
- Computational Linguistics United Kingdom (CLUK)
- Computer Hyphenation, Ltd. Shelf, Halifax
- Computer Resource International Aldershot, Hampshire
- Computer Talk Technology, Inc. (UK) Milton Keynes
- Computertel Limited Gravesend, Kent
- Computertel, Ltd. Gravesend, Kent
- Computing Research Laboratory Las Cruces, NM
- Comsys Interactive Systems, Ltd. Brighton, East Sussex
- Convergent Labs Fareham Hampshire
- Convergent Technologies Limited London
- Criticall, Ltd. Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
- CSM Group Orpington, Kent
- Customer Impact Partnership, Ltd. Sutton-cum-Granby, Nottinghamshire
- Customer Service Management Group Orpington
- ProAce Technology Service INC Texas
- Speech Technology Group, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Cambridge Research Lab Cambridge
- Shipston On Stour
- Databit, Ltd. Purley, Surrey
- DataCare (PhoneLink plc) Birkenhead, Merseyside
- Datamonitor (Europe) London
- Datapoint Windsor, Berkshire
- DataVoice Ealing, London
- Dendral Inc Theale
- Department of Applied Linguistics - Birkbeck College, University
of London London
- DeTeWe Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
- Diana Singureanu Language Services London
- Digital Telephone Systems, Ltd. Langley, Berkshire
- Domain Dynamics Ltd. Reading
- DTS Group Limited, The Windsor, Berkshire
- Ellis Hayward Wilmslow, Cheshire
- Ensigma Technologies Chepstow
- ERA Technology, Ltd. Leatherhead, Surrey
- European Acoustics Association
- EveryWare Ltd Bexleyheath, Kent
- Eyretel Leatherhead
- Eyretel, Ltd. Horsham, Sussex
- Language and Computation Group at the University of Essex Colchester
- Firstwave Technologies Thames Ditton
- Fluency Voice Technology Limited London
- Forensic Linguistics Institute Welshpool
- Fox Consultancy Oxted, Surrey
- Freephone Telecom, Ltd. Wigan, Lancashire
- GemaTech, Ltd. (UK) Houndmills, Basingstoke
- Genesis Telecommunications, Plc. London
- Guardian iT Group Weybridge, Surrey
- Habitek Ltd Swansea
- Habitek, Ltd. Swansea
- Hays Customer Solutions Leicester
- Help Desk 2000(uk) Nazeing, Essex
- Help Desk Institute - UK (Europe) Orpington, Kent
- HL TRAD Westminster
- Hotlines Marketing Group London
- Human & Machine Perception Research Group Keel, Staffordshire
- Human Communication Research Centre (HCRC), University of
Edinburgh Edinburgh
- Human Communication Research Centre - University of Edinburgh Edinburgh
- Identology Limited Chessington, Surrey
- Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems research group (ISIS) Highfield, Southampton
- In Other Words London
- Information on Hold London
- Information Technology Research Institute - University of
Brighton Brighton
- Initiative Software, Ltd. Glasgow, Scotland
- Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems Edinburgh
- Institute for Language, Speech and Hearing - ILASH Sheffield
- Institute of Acoustics (UK) St Albans, Hertfordshire
- Intellicate London
- Intelligent Contact Centre Management Amersham, Buckinghamshire
- Inter-tel (Europe) Ltd. Kettering
- International Phonetic Association (IPA) - UK
- InVADE International Ltd Bristol
- iSV GROUP Hampshire
- Jon Ray Consultancy Brighton, East Sussex
- Kewill Systems, PLC. Walton-on-Thames, Surrey
- Kievnov International London
- King Sturge Bristol
- KOLVOX Computer Products Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
- Kommunicate Ltd Winchester
- Korus Systems, Ltd. Twickenham
- L.B. Human Resources International London
- Lagan Technologies, Ltd. Wildflower Way, Belfast
- Language Centre - Oxford University Oxford
- Language Line Limited London
- Language Line London
- Language Technology Group (LTG) Edinburgh
- Language Technology Group Edinburgh
- Linguamatics Ltd Cambridge
- Lynx CT Solutions High Wycombe, Bucks
- Macfarlane TeleSystems Ltd London
- Managed Care International, Ltd. Buckingham
- Matrix Response Technologies, Ltd. Bristol, Avon
- Matrix Response Technologies, Ltd. Bristol, Avon
- Merchants Ltd Milton Keynes, Bucks
- Message Management, Ltd. London
- MIT Communications Limited Chelmsford
- MITEL Telecom Ltd Caldicot, Monmouthshire
- MONET Network of Excellence in Model Based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning
- Natural Language Engineering Group - University of Sunderland Sunderland
- Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics -
University of Sussex
- Natural Language Processing Research group - University of Leeds Leeds
- Natural Language Translation Specialist Group
- nFlow Software Ltd Chelmsford
- NLP Group - University of Cambridge Cambridge
- NLP Group - University of Sheffield Sheffield
- Noetica London
- Office of Telecommunications (OFTEL) London
- On Hold Services London
- Orchard Information Systems Limited Newcastle
- Ovum, Inc. London
- Papyrus Graphics London
- Periphonics Ltd Camberley, Surrey
- PhoneQuest Tonbridge, Kent
- Pitman Training London (High Holborn) London
- Post cti Harrogate
- Prestige Network Ltd Thatcham, Berks
- Primus UK Ltd Slough, Berks
- Pro-CV Consulting & Communication Services Bognor Regis, West Sussex
- Prolingua, Ltd. Cambridge
- Q-Max Systems, Ltd. London
- QAS Systems, Ltd London
- QBS Software, Ltd. Chiswick, London
- Quality Plus Consulting, Ltd. (Europe) Chiswick, London
- Qualtrak, Ltd. Watford, Hertfordshire
- Racal Recorders, Ltd. Southampton, Hampshire
- RAP Industries, Ltd. Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
- Recall Recruitment plc Cheltenham, Glos
- Redwood Telecommunications Battersea Reach, London (M25)
- Replyline, Ltd. Edinburgh, Mid Lothian
- Rhetorical Systems Ltd Edinburgh
- London
- Royal Blue Plc Woking, Surrey
- Siemens Communications Limited Buckinghamshire
- SITEL Consulting London
- SoftSound Limited Cambridge
- Software Support Professionals Association - Europe Bygrave Baldock
- SOTEL, Ltd. Fareham, Hampshire
- Speach and Hearing Research Group - University of Sheffield Sheffield
- Special Interest Group on Integrating Speech Technology in
(Language) Learning (SIGInSTIL) Dundee
- Special Telephone Systems, Ltd. Dartford, Kent
- Speech Research Laboratory - University of Reading
- Speech Software Services Limited Middlesex
- Speech, Vision and Robotics (SVR) Group, University of Cambridge Cambridge
- SpeechWorks International (UK) Staines
- Storacall Voice Systems, Ltd. Sunbury-on-Thames
- Success On Hold, Ltd. (Europe) Chiswick, London
- Synstar International Garrets Green, Birmingham
- synTelate Glasgow
- Syntony (Search & Selection) Ltd. Sevenoaks, Kent
- Sytel Limited Bucks, Chesham
- Tangent Telecom Ltd - Speech and Project Management Consulting Cambridge
- Telebusiness Partners Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire
- Telegenix (UK) Chorley
- London
- Telephone Consultancy and Training Company, The Guildford, Surrey
- Telephonetics Interactive Voice Systems, Ltd. Hempstead, Hertfordshire
- Telework Association (TCA) Nailsworth, Gloucestershire
- Telsis Limited Segensworth East, Fareham, Hampshire
- The Centre for Speech Technology Research Edinburgh, UK
- The Natural Language Processing Group, King's College London
- The Procter Consultancy London
- The Speech Recognition Company London
- The Telephone Consultancy & Training Company Guildford, Surrey
- Tisento Technologies, Ltd. Durham
- TISL Slough, Berkshire
- Today Translations London
- Top-Banana Global Limited Hassocks, West Sussex
- Trinity Horne Consulting Basingstoke, Hampshire
- TSM London
- UCL Psychology Speech Group
- Unisys Corporation Milton Keynes
- University College London, Department of Phonetics and
Linguistics London
- University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering Cambridge
- University of East Anglia Norwich
- University of Ulster Newtownabbey
- Veritape Ltd - call recording made simple Manchester
- Visionyze Europe London
- Vocalis Group plc Great Shelford, Cambridge
- Vodera Ltd. London
- Voice Futures Surbiton
- Voice Services, Ltd. London Colney, Hertfordshire