
Organisation profile: University of Toronto Computational Linguistics Lab

[ ID = 3422 ] University of Toronto Computational Linguistics Lab 
Organisation nameUniversity of Toronto Computational Linguistics Lab 
Short name or acronymUniversity of Toronto Computational Linguistics Lab 
Organisation typeUniversity 
Activity typeLang+Speech Technology research 
Address 10 King's College Rd. 
Postal Code M5S 3G4 
City Toronto 
Country Canada 
Phone + +1-416-925-7293
Fax + +1-416-978-1455
Email gpenn_(on)_cs.toronto.edu 
Organisation URL http://www.cs.toronto.edu/compling/ 
Our research in computational linguistics emphasizes issues in semantics, pragmatics, knowledge representation, and the social use of language that arise when the methods of computational linguistics are applied to real-world language and real-world problems. The ultimate goal of our research is the development of better computational models of language for use in human--computer interaction and in applications such as information retrieval, text analysis, and machine translation.

Several themes underlie the approaches that we take. First, we are concerned with fine-grained nuances of language, as it is really used in the world. Second, there is an emphasis on problems of representation of linguistic and semantic knowledge. Third, the approaches taken are inherently interdisciplinary; the work draws on research in psycholinguistics, philosophy, theoretical linguistics, and sociology. This orientation is particularly suited for research in such applications as machine translation and, more generally, in generation systems in which precision in language is important; in advice-giving systems; in processing long documents for conceptual retrieval; in intelligent tools for writers; and in knowledge acquisition by reading.
NameProfessor Gerald Penn 
FunctionAssistant Professor 
DepartmentComputer Science 
Phone+ +1-416-925-7293
Fax+ +1-416-978-1455
Update this profile Last update: 2004-09-21 21:32:31 #!/usr/bin/ksh # cntr.cgi -- # version 0 DOC=$DOCUMENT_ROOT$DOCUMENT_URI VSTART=28-08-2008 WRONGLOG=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cntr.txt echo Content-type:text/html echo case $DOC in *experts*) CDIR=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cntex ;; *orgs*) CDIR=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cntor ;; *) WRONG=yes ;; esac CFILE=${DOC##*/} case ${CFILE} in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].html) WRONG=no ;; *) WRONG=yes ;; esac [ $WRONG = yes ] && { echo "$(date) $REMOTE_ADDR ${DOC}" >> $WRONGLOG exit } CCNT=${CDIR}/${CFILE%.html}.txt CLCK=${CDIR}/${CFILE%.html}.lck [ -s $CCNT ] && COUNT=$(head -1 $CCNT) COUNT=$(( ${COUNT:-0} + 1 )) [ -f $CLCK ] || { touch $CLCK echo $COUNT > $CCNT rm -f $CLCK } echo "  Visits since $VSTART: $COUNT"


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