
Organisation profile: DFKI GmbH, Forschungsbereich Sprachtechnologie

[ ID = 1299 ] DFKI 
Organisation nameDFKI GmbH, Forschungsbereich Sprachtechnologie 
Short name or acronymDFKI 
Organisation typeCenter 
Activity typeSpeech technology 
Address Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 / Building 43.1 
Postal Code D-66123 
City Saarbrücken 
Country Germany 
Phone + +49 681 302 5282
Fax + +49 681 302 5338
Organisation URL http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/ 
The Language Technology Lab conducts research in modelling
and processing human languages. We develop and improve core language
technologies for information extraction, mono- and crosslingual
information access, morphological processing, deep linguistic
analysis, text summarization, document categorization, grammar
checking, speech synthesis, and other advanced software
functionalities. We design and implement processing components such as
taggers, parsers, generators and tools for the maintenance of
terminologies and dictionaries. We integrate our techniques and
components with other technologies such as speech processing, data
bases, or graphics. We implement software prototypes for a variety of
applications. We create resources for R&D such as lexicons, grammars,
test suites, and discourse models. We develop methods and tools for
technology and system evaluation together with partners in research
and industry. We provide consulting on the potentials and
ramifications of language technology and on the selection of methods,
products and services for specific tasks. 
Member of   Contact
NameProf. Hans Uszkoreit 
DepartmentLanguage Technology 
Update this profile Last update: 2002-04-15 15:52:33 #!/usr/bin/ksh # cntr.cgi -- # version 0 DOC=$DOCUMENT_ROOT$DOCUMENT_URI VSTART=28-08-2008 WRONGLOG=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cntr.txt echo Content-type:text/html echo case $DOC in *experts*) CDIR=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cntex ;; *orgs*) CDIR=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cntor ;; *) WRONG=yes ;; esac CFILE=${DOC##*/} case ${CFILE} in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].html) WRONG=no ;; *) WRONG=yes ;; esac [ $WRONG = yes ] && { echo "$(date) $REMOTE_ADDR ${DOC}" >> $WRONGLOG exit } CCNT=${CDIR}/${CFILE%.html}.txt CLCK=${CDIR}/${CFILE%.html}.lck [ -s $CCNT ] && COUNT=$(head -1 $CCNT) COUNT=$(( ${COUNT:-0} + 1 )) [ -f $CLCK ] || { touch $CLCK echo $COUNT > $CCNT rm -f $CLCK } echo "  Visits since $VSTART: $COUNT"


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