
Organisation profile: NICE Systems, Ltd.

[ ID = 0524 ] NICE Systems, Ltd. 
Organisation nameNICE Systems, Ltd. 
Short name or acronymNICE Systems, Ltd. 
Organisation typeCompany 
Activity typeCall centers Speech technology 
Address 8 Hapnina Street 
Postal Code 43107 
City Ra'anana 
Country Israel 
Phone + +972 9 775 3777
Fax + +972 9 743 4282
Email info_(on)_nice.com 
Organisation URL http://www.nice.com 
NICE Systems is a leading global provider of integrated
digital recording and quality management solutions. NICE's innovative
solutions help customers improve their business by effectively
recording, storing, evaluating and managing voice communications, call
data, desktop screens and video.
Update this profile Last update: 2002-04-10 12:32:58 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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