
Organisation profile: Audiotex Nederland BV

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[ ID = 0084 ] Audiotex Nederland BV 
Organisation nameAudiotex Nederland BV 
Short name or acronymAudiotex Nederland BV 
Organisation typeCompany 
Activity typeCall centers 
Address Van Weerden Poelmanweg 21 
Postal Code 3088 EA 
City Rotterdam 
Country Netherlands 
Phone + +31 10 429 46 76
Fax + +31 10 429 67 39
Email info_(on)_audiotex.nl 
Organisation URL http://www.audiotex.nl 
Audiotex Nederland is a service provider for Multi Media and automated response handling. With over 18 years of experience, the core of our company is formed by the Interactive Voice Response platform where premium rate and toll free information calls come in and to which all available media can be connected / integrated, such as the Internet, but also SMS, I-mode, Voice Mail, E-mail, Classical mail, Fax and routing to live operators in the case of traditional or even web-enabled Call Centers.

The product portfolio of Audiotex consists of the following services and products:

* premium rate / toll free IVR services
* Internet (related / integrated) services, including web-
design, building and hosting
* Semi Call Center solutions
* Turn key and completely integrated systems ‘on site'
or ‘in service'
* Consultancy / training

In short: IT's up to you!

Audiotex Nederland B.V. is a 100 % daughter of the Crystal Communications group, operating in various European countries like Germany, UK, and Belgium.
Name Jeroen Prinsen 
Functionadj. director 
Phone+ 010-4294676
Fax+ 010-4296739
Update this profile Last update: 2003-05-13 17:38:32 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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