
Organisation profile: Dynamic Instruments, Inc.

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[ ID = 0627 ] DI 
Organisation nameDynamic Instruments, Inc. 
Short name or acronymDI 
Organisation typePrivate company 
Activity typeCall center with specific expertise in Lang+Speech Technology 
Address 3860 Calle Fortunada 
Postal Code 92123-1825 
City San Diego, CA 
Country United States 
Phone + +1 858 278 4900
Fax + +1 858 278 6700
Email info_(on)_dynamicinst.com 
Organisation URL http://www.dynamicinst.com 
Voice logger manufacturer specializing in data integration, T1/E1, ISDN, 
digital and analog audio interfaces, remote clients, web clients, mobile and 
ruggedized audio recorders
NameMr. Donald C Gillis 
FunctionBusiness Development and Sales Manager 
DepartmentMarketing & Sales 
Phone+ +1 858 278 4900 ext. 1104
Update this profile Last update: 2005-01-04 22:22:30 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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