
Organisation profile: Accent Contact Centers

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[ ID = 3720 ] Accent Contact Centers 
Organisation nameAccent Contact Centers 
Short name or acronymAccent Contact Centers 
Organisation typePrivate company 
Activity typeCall center without specific expertise in Language or Speech Technology 
Address Jiron Sinchi Roca 2728 Piso 8 S 
Postal Code LI14 
City Lima 
Country Peru 
Phone +511 7071000
Email info_(on)_accent.com.pe 
Organisation URL http://www.accent.com.pe 
Accent is a world-class Contact Centre located in Lima, Peru. Our management 
team has 16 years of experience in the industry and has successfully managed 
accounts for companies such as Sprint, AT&T, Wells Fargo, TIM, Pizza Hut and 

All our agents are bilingual and are familiar with the American Culture because 
of its impact in Peruvian daily life. 
NameV.P Of Operations Carlos Bieberach 
Phone+511 7071006
Update this profile Last update: 2008-01-15 16:46:45 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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