Transamerica Microsearch Inc. - Telemarketing Canada was founded in 1987.
Connect live to this exclusive telemarketing company, one of Canadas
oldest, specializing in high technology, education and manufacturing.
Transamerica provides telemarketing services, including business to business
telesales, outbound telemarketing, B2B telemarketing and telemarketing
consulting. Hiring a college-educated, designated Transamerica Project
Representative is like having your own highly-trained inside sales
representative, marketing strategist and expert telemarketer in one person.
Live access to your Exchange-hosted databases gives you total control over your
campaigns right through Outlook on your desktop or laptop. Your campaign
databases and all related materials remain solely your property and will never
be used by another client. Transamerica will never represent competing
technologies or products at the same time and offers our clients no notice, no
penalty, instant campaign cancellation.