
ELSNET Summer School 2003

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The 11th ELSNET Summer School on Language and Speech Communication

Topic: Language and Speech Technology in Language Learning

Lille (France), Monday July 7 - Friday July 18, 2003

Organized by the University of Lille 3

Registration for the 11th ELSNET Summer School is now closed and the School is over. For this school we had chosen a topic of great relevance to researchers and developers in Europe and in other multilingual environments: the use of language and speech technology in language learning, both of spoken and of written language. The goal of this workshop was to get young researchers on a track that will eventually contribute to an important application area. The underlying vision (or dream) was The automatic animated language tutor.

Audience and aims:

The school was mainly research and development oriented, and hence the primary audience were researchers, developers and integrators who will make our vision happen (rather than teachers who would use it). Both technological and pedagogical aspects were taken into consideration

The aims were:

  • to make the students familiar with the main principles and problems of language learning/teaching
  • to make them familiar with current best practice in computer assisted language learning
  • to make them familiar with the main challenges in computer assisted language learning

Participants were expected to have a general computational background and some familiarity with language or speech research and/or processing. After completion of the summer school participants should be able to function in teams aimed at designing or implementing tools, environments or courses for Computer Assisted Language Learning (abbreviated CALL).

Course programme:

All programme and course details, including electronic versions of the presentations by the lecturers can be found on the ESS2003 site set up by the organisers of our school at the University of Lille 3


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