
Organisation profile: 1800 Call center

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[ ID = 4523 ] 1800 Call center 
Organisation name1800 Call center 
Short name or acronym1800 Call center 
Organisation typePrivate company 
Activity typeOther Call Center related expertise 
Address 210 25th Avenue North 
Postal Code Suite 1014 
City Nashville 
Country United States 
Phone + 18009333994
Organisation URL http://1800callcenter.com/ 
1-800 Call Center’s business model is based on human interaction, combined 
with state-of-the-art hardware and software applications. We seek to employ 
professional people and to turn raw data into meaningful, real-time information 
at a very customer-friendly level. We assure every client we partner with 
complete satisfaction. We focus on every factor of our client relationship, 
such as company philosophy, employee qualifications, information technology 
training, quality control, documentation, and information process flow.
NamePresident Phil Bryant 
Update this profile Last update: 2012-11-04 20:51:47 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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