
Central and Eastern European Survey

Department of Dictionaries The Institute of the Lithuanian Language Publications

Department of Dictionaries

Most significant publications in the last 5 years
Vidmantas Kuprevièius. ,,XIX a. vidurio lietuviø
(aukðtaièiø rytieèiø)
- lenkø kalbø rankraðtinis neþinomo autoriaus
þodynas [An Eastern Higlander’s (Aukshtaitish) Lithuanian-Polish
Manuscript Dictionary of unknown author of Middle 19 C.]’’, in:
Lietuviø kalbotyros klausimai|Problems of Lithuanian Linguistics
| Probleme der litauischen Sprachwissenschaft XXXVII
Leksikografijos ir leksikologijos problemos| Problems of
lexicography and lexicology |Die lexikografische und
lexikologische probleme, pages 215 -224

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