
Central and Eastern European Survey


Speech Recognition & Synthesis Laboratory (SRSL)
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics (IEC) National Ac.of Sc. of Belarus

Research Activities pursued at the organisation

The main scientific research directions of the SRSL are the following:

- Spectrum and signal based features extraction; - Formant analysis and synthesis; - Microwaves speech signal synthesis; - Rule-based text-to-speech synthesis; - Expert knowledge-based recognition of visual spectrograms; - Phonemic segmentation and labelling rules; - Speech-to-text recognition; - Discrete and connected words recognition; - Word spotting; - Computer telephony applications; - Computer-based systems for the blind.

As a result of previous research projects the following soft & hardware systems were created: - a multi-lingual model of speech synthesis from text based on the formants speech signal description. Languages: Russian, English, German and French; - a multilingual model of speech synthesis from text based on the microwaves(MW) speech signal description. Languages: Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian, Polish and Czech; - the PHONEMAPHONE - the first PC-based Russian text-to-speech synthesizer providing high intelligibility and sufficient naturalness of synthetic speech. It is utilized in the several commercial products: telephone services, workstations for the blind, Russian oral speech training systems, transport and some others applications; - a knowledge-based phonemic interpretation model of the spoken Russian words. - a model of discret words recognition. It provides robust real-time PC-based speaker-independent words (about 100) recognition and is designed for computer telephony applications; - a model of noise-resistant connected words recognition with problem-oriented vocabulary designed for aircraft applications;

Current research projects:

- creation of a high quality text-to-speech synthesis model based on allophonic wave-vorms speech signal representation and on syntax- morphological analysis of reading text; - creation of a DTW & HMM-based robust speech recognizer providing speaker-and channel independent words recognition for computer telephony applications;

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