
Expert profile: Olivier Siohan

[ ID = 1485 ] Olivier Siohan 
Name Siohan, Olivier
Job Title Research Scientist 
Organisation Google 
Address 76 Ninth Avenue 
Postal Code NY 10011 
City New York 
Country United States 
Email siohan_(on)_ieee.org [@ replaced for spam protection]
Organisation URL  
Personal URL  
Membership ISCA IEEE 
LanguagesEnglish French
Specialism Acoustic Modeling
Adaptive Speech Recognition
Audio Authentication
Audio Indexing
Audio Signal Processing
Bayesian Theory and Applications
Call Center Automation
Channel Mismatch Compensation
Density Estimation by Multivariate Normal Mixtures
Detecting speech in noise
Development and Implementation of Speech Technology Applications
Digital Speech Processing
Hidden Markov Models
Language Identification
Language Modeling
Large speech corpora
Multilingual Speech Recognition
Neural Networks
Noise Effects
Noise Reduction
Non-HMM Methods for Speech Recognition
Pattern Recognition and Statistical Data Analysis
Recognition Technologies
Recognition Tuning
Robust Speech Recognition
Search Algorithms
Search Engines
Search Strategies
Segmentation and Automatic Transcription of Broadcast Data
Signal Processing
Speaker Adaptation
Speaker Identification
Speaker Recognition
Speaker Recognition (forensic application)
Speech Databases for Automatic Speech/Speaker Recognition
Speech Recognition
Statistical Language Modeling and Analysis
Statistical Language Modelling for Speech Recognition
Statistical Pattern Recognition
Support Vector Machines for Speech Processing
Voice Biometrics (Speaker Verification, Identification,
Voice Processing 
PhotographDescription or CV
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