
Expert profile: Dr. Sanshzar Kettebekov

[ ID = 1575 ] Dr. Sanshzar Kettebekov 
Name Kettebekov, Dr. Sanshzar
Job Title Research associate 
Organisation Pennsylvania State University / Advanced Interfaces Inc 
Address 220 Pond Laboratory 
Postal Code 16802 
City University Park, PA 
Country United States 
Phone + (+1) 814 8652729
Email kettebek_(on)_cse.psu.edu [@ replaced for spam protection]
Organisation URL http://www.advancedinterfaces.com 
Personal URL http://vision.cse.psu.edu/kettebek 
Membership IEEE Computer Society 
Specialism Audio and Video Authentication
Audiovisual Speech Processing
Dysfluency of Spontaneous Speech
Hand Gestures and Speech
Handwriting and Signature Recognition
Hidden Markov Models
Human Factors
Multimodal Human-Machine Communication
PhotographDescription or CV
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