
Organisation profile: IVR, Inc. (Interactive Voice Response)

[ ID = 1735 ] IVR, Inc. (Interactive Voice Response) 
Organisation nameIVR, Inc. (Interactive Voice Response) 
Short name or acronymIVR, Inc. (Interactive Voice Response) 
Organisation typeCompany 
Activity typeCall centers Speech technology 
Address 5820 Main Street 
Postal Code 14221 
City Williamsville 
Country United States 
Phone + +1 888 633 3487 X 29
Fax + +1 716 929 1309
Email candrews_(on)_ivrinc.com 
Organisation URL http://www.ivr1.com 
Service Bureau specializing in the development and hosting
of IVR (Interactive Voice Response)applications.
NameMr. Cory Andrews 
FunctionSenior Consultant 
DepartmentInteractive Voice Response 
Phone+ + 888 633 3487 X 29
Fax+ +1 716 929 1309
Update this profile Last update: 2002-04-10 12:32:58 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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