
Organisation profile: Comdata SpA

[ ID = 3526 ] Comdata 
Organisation nameComdata SpA 
Short name or acronymComdata 
Organisation typePrivate company 
Activity typeCall center without specific expertise in Lang+Speech Technology 
Address Via Bisceglie 76 
Postal Code 20152 
City Milan 
Country Italy 
Phone +39 24149931
Fax +39 241549559
Email info_(on)_comdata.it 
Organisation URL http://www.comdata.it 
Italy based leader in Business Process Outsourcing and Document Management 
services, CRM and administrative operations. 
With more than 10 Italian farms located in the country, Comdata gives 
multinational and domestic Firms the concrete help to let themselves focused 
upon core business, demanding us the day-by-day operations.
Our case histories in Telco, Finance, CPG, Utilities, Energy, Government, CHT 
and Transportation are available to show you how much we defend our 
Clients' competitive advantages.
NameDr. Giuseppe Di Dio 
FunctionSenior Manager  
DepartmentSales Department 
Update this profile Last update: 2005-04-29 14:12:04 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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