
Organisation profile: Phone Number Monitoring

[ ID = 4505 ] PNM 
Organisation namePhone Number Monitoring 
Short name or acronymPNM 
Organisation typePrivate company 
Activity typeOther Call Center related expertise 
Address 4165 Shoreline Drive 
Postal Code 55384 
City Spring Park, MN 
Country United States 
Phone +1 888 364 5101
Fax +1 888 794 3554
Email sales_(on)_phonenumbermonitoring.com 
Organisation URL http://www.phonenumbermonitoring.com 
PNM is a software and communications consulting organization that provides a web-based automatic calling service used to verify call center phone operability and provide call response assessment and track call routing.
NameProject Manager Ron Schroeder 
Phone+1 852 952 4392 x202
Fax+1 888 794 3554
Update this profile Last update: 2012-09-14 15:48:16 [an error occurred while processing this directive]


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