With an average of 40,000 monthly visitors, Europe Contact Center (
www.europecontactcenter.com ) is already the most expressive on-line
journalistic initiative in Europe focused upon the call and contact centre
The Contact Centers Portal was born in Portugal in 1999 with a team of 10
professionals with a clear mission: to provide quality information and insight
into the call / contact center industry, as the first ever media to focus on
this issue.
Our portal comprises a group of specialised websites for three independent
linguistic and cultural communities: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Our
audience comes not only from Europe but also from other Latin American
countries like Brazil, Mexico and Chile.
Writing for us regularly are already some experts from software production
companies (Cisco, IBS, SAP, SAS), call centre managers who reflect on the main
issues in their respective countries (like Garlands Call Centres in UK) but
also from independent consultancy firms (like ContactBabel, Strativity Group
and DMG Consulting).
Apart from the editorial task, our portal developed a competence center
providing consultancy on implementation and deployment of call / contact
centers, always from a vendor-agnostic perspective.
Europe Contact Center bolstered the creation of two European taskforces:
Citimatic Voice Enabled Services for Citizen Communication
Centers and Contact Center BI Business Intelligence solutions for
Contact Centers.